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  1. J

    3 Day Adapted Genetics & Grazing Course

    Yes. We've used "managed grazing" for 25 years with both cattle and hair sheep. At one time our grazing was more of a rotation where the animals were moved every few days to new pasture and now it has evolved to where they are moved daily if not several times a day to fresh pasture as Johann...
  2. J

    3 Day Adapted Genetics & Grazing Course

    If someone has problems with what Johann is advocating it would have to do with their lack of understanding of the way to apply his concepts. The use of Livestock Genetics that are adapted to their environment and a Grazing Program that mimics nature makes sense and will work anywhere that...
  3. J

    3 Day Adapted Genetics & Grazing Course

    Hopping Brothers Livestock will be hosting a 3 Day Adapted Genetics & Grazing Course August 14th - 16th at Coweta, Oklahoma with Johann Zietsman of Zimbabwe and Jim Elizondo of Mexico/Florida as instructors. The course will place a big emphasis on Adapted Livestock Genetics and the Creation of...