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    Tax Bill

    The rhetoric here is so painful. I would go as far to say that not one person naysaying the value of a college education has one. Sure there’s guys in theit early 30s with trade jobs that do better than me financially speaking but the glaring factor being overlooked is the fact that they work...
  2. D

    Pot shop

    Hey TB- two feeds, both 14%, both 68%TDN. What could possibly warrant one being 13 cents a lb and the other 18? I’m gonna go burn one down on the back porch- get back to me when you can. Thanks.
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    Pot shop

    How can it be immoral to consume a herb in its creator-made unadulterated form? Genesis 1:29 And God said: Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed upon the earth It is this illogical rational where man attempts to know better than God that is the unfortunate human condition.
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    Tax Bill

    “To compete in a highly competitive world” My god man—make a living, enjoy your family, enjoy life. This hamster wheel mentality is painful to see. Like with cattle, if people would focus more on decreasing cost rather than on increasing income their quality of life would skyrocket!
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    Tax Bill

    I guess I don’t recognize your sense of urgency Brute— It seems as if youre only pursuit in life is to peddle for all your worth. Slow down- take time to live
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    Pot shop

    I regularly smoke pot and thoroughly enjoy it. Few things I enjoy more than partaking and moving amongst the cows in the pasture analyzing their various strengths and weaknesses, proposing and considering various ways I can improve my operation. The legality of it is of no concern to me. I...
  7. D

    Employees few and far between.

    There's definitely a shortage of skill-- you can want to frame a house all you want but without any training, you're not going to get much done. Modern k-12 education prepares students for private sector employment in service and technology.. Unfortunately, those that lack the capacity to...