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    bull pic ... mit=recent
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    bull pic

    thanks cowgirl. i couldnt get the hang of it. there is another one i posted one of them twice.
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    bull pic ... 43&cat=500 ... puser=7290 ... puser=7290 these bulls are late march 07 calves. pick them apart.
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    angus embyo question

    I would start out buying embryos, look at dispersal sales and sales where people donate some. Advantage cattle services is a good place too. You need to have a great plan on what you are going to do with the results of the embryo. ie. bull test sales or show . you are going to end up with a...
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    angus embyo question

    I own an interest in a donor cow and have purchased embryos and placed in my cows. I have spent a lot of money and have no calves on the ground yet. I placed 5 embryos in cows at $500 each and the only one that took was born dead. the donor cow will not stay bread and vets dont know why. If...
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    Newest Addition To The Herd

    TN Can you help me to understand what is a funnel but? I dont see what you are talking about. :help:
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    i agree skip the longhorn. i dont think that guy is a good friend if that is what he was sugesting. I think due to your location you need to use a brangus bull :lol: yea all you are laughing but, you know what animal is out in the hot sun eating when the rest are in the shade and ponds. they...
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    Newest Addition To The Herd

    I think this is a beautiful heifer. Good legs, Long body and not too much condition. Too many people want to see animals with a BCS (Body Score Condition) of a 9 or even a 10 to think they look good. That is bull crap because you put that BCS 9 or 10 in the pasture and the grass will go on her...
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    Opinions on new bull

    Ever looked at angus bulls. I know on here thay knock a lot on the angus breed. But after all black brings more $$$. and that is what i look at.