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  1. B

    Take a look at this bull

    Doc....when you speak of "depth of round" are you refering to barrell or butt? He looks like an athletic range bull to me. Good length, could be deeper in the body. He's wide enough, from his stance in the picture. I think (from the picture) that he's got a slightly weak top-line. I presume he's...
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    Debunking CAB's Claims?

    We switched to dry brewers grain about 3 months ago. Very palatable, cheaper and a marked improvement in gain. We feed it 20% of the mix. Whether the extra gain is fat or flesh remains to be seen however. I read one report that described wet brewers grain as "the ingredient that puts milk in the...
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    Debunking CAB's Claims?

    I think you'll find that brewers grain and distillers grain are different. Brewers grain is mostly malted barley, whereas distillers grain is mostly corn. B.
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    Beef/Steak Review

    Point taken Mike. The first report shouldn't have to grace anyone's dinner table. The second report made interesting reading. 70%, made choice....could be more? Astonishing. B. Haha sorry....misread the second report.
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    Beef/Steak Review

    Another rancher said, "Corn is the worst. It results in the greatest lack of flavor in beef." “We're very dependent on Midwest corn,” [/b] So which report are you going with Mike? My problem was with the writer of the first report you posted. Maybe they should all be required to report...
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    Strange Questions

    You got the horse from crowder? :D B.
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    Beef/Steak Review

    "One rancher told me that barley makes for flavorful beef and warned that wheat can make beef tough. One?? Another rancher said.... Really....another one? "Grain-feeding techniques have become so effective that even dairy cattle (such as Holsteins) can achieve a grade of Prime. (According to...
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    Beef/Steak Review

    "These days, most calves are born on ranches, suckled by their mothers, and then sent out to pasture. When they reach 6 months, they're sent to a feedlot." Is this really how everyone does it? When's the last time you sent a 6 month old calf to a feedlot? B.
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    If selling price didnt matter..

    ....And you'd inseminate them yourself?......'way to go Oak. B.
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    Charlois / Brahma cross

    Brahman bulls are from Mars, Brahman cows are from venus. Brahman bulls are 95% laid back and docile. The ladies are, however, 100% "twitchy". B.
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    SPECIAL this week........2 pages of small print with every steak. :D B.
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    SHF Style 412T S07

    George I thought I had already apologised, in a previous post, for any misunderstanding I may have had. I'll leave it at that. B.
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    SHF Style 412T S07

    George I just referred to the said posters previous statements. THEY damned him as delusional. I'm not a natural sceptic. But in this case I'll make an exception. :P The poster needs professional help and if you think your lap is the place for it, then good on you. B.
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    SHF Style 412T S07

    I heard it was a Burger King. B.
  15. B

    SHF Style 412T S07

    In the light of recent posts, one can hardly call me a sceptic. Realist, yes. Glad we can pull you out of the equation George. :D :D,and apologies for any confusion. There is a medical term for the said posters affliction, and it 'ain't cured overnight. Meanwhile, users of this forum have to...
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    SHF Style 412T S07

    Why thanks?....not your bull. Am I the only one who thinks we're all having our dangley bits yanked here? B.
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    bull growing rations

    Are you using dry molassas? 80lbs of running cane molassas will bind anything. You should be spraying it in, or maybe the mixers not up to scratch. B.
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    Certified Piedmontese beef

    no.......Hill....that's PCB.....not PCP. :D B.
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    Cattle Pictures

    In the first picture of Liberty, the shadow of his tail running down his rump, makes his butt look inadequate. Very nice cattle. Thank you for sharing Brian. B.
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    new girls

    8) :lol: B.