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  1. M

    why's she limping?

    someone just gave a us a new horse about a week ago and we noticed a little limp a day or so ago. I've had horses for dang near all my life and NEVER have had any medical problems. her legs aren't swollen or hot. it's her front right. when I cleaned her foot there was a some slight...
  2. M

    Breaking a Young Horse.

    I have a little horse, she is a about 2 1/2..her name is also Liberty! I found out just kind of hanging out with her has made a HUGE difference. and little games like the porcupine game so she learns to yield from pressure. it simple and just poke her til she moves away from the...
  3. M

    Turn on Haunches

    wow! and I thought Clinton Anderson had all the answers...y'all are fabulous! I enjoyed the read. me and my horse aren't at the turn on haunches level yet but golly next time I got a question...I'm askin y'all.