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  1. F

    3 acre lake... horrible algae problem suggestions?

    ok that sound creepy cuz i dont like crawdads... but where exactaly would i come up with that many of them >>>
  2. F

    3 acre lake... horrible algae problem suggestions?

    the windmill thing and areation was something i've never thought and i'm a geology major at that ok widnmills aren't common around here how do they work.. and how difficuult would it be to get started
  3. F

    3 acre lake... horrible algae problem suggestions?

    we have grass carp they do good eating the grass we do copper sulfate every year it works for a little while then it all comes back im still very intereseted to know what the hay/straw will do for the lake... i would think it just holds the moss down???
  4. F

    3 acre lake... horrible algae problem suggestions?

    :help: Our lake is completly covered with algae.. we have trried about everything we can think of worked with co-op to get stuff to work... nothing is woreking to well.... we have heard that barley hay helps??? i haven't been able to find any at all around here and what does the hay...