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  1. vetdrchandan

    Dog Bite

    I am a veterinarian. That law didn't apply in India.
  2. vetdrchandan

    Dog Bite

    That dog was a stray dog so definitely he was not vaccinated against Rabies. But that dog is living normal life no any aggressive behavior. What I studied that the rabies virus when comes to saliva of dog than the dog become rabid and have tendency to bite. What I wanna really know that if Dog...
  3. vetdrchandan

    Dog Bite

    A cow was in heat and bellowing. Nearby dogs were barking on her. One of dog scratches her skin at 3 places with his teeth. The wound was not deep just a scratch. The dog who bite her was definitely not a Rabid dog. He just bite her because of that cow peculiar behavior during heat. My question...