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  1. pleasantpasturesbeef

    My new baby, Molly

    @farmerjan I had used heat shots one year, but I never did see her in heat. What would the time window look like after giving the shot that she could come into heat from the shot? I kind of like to stay away from the shots and artificial stuff, but I'm not totally opposed to giving heat shots. I...
  2. pleasantpasturesbeef

    My new baby, Molly

    Somehow I missed the part of the story where she ran away and got bred. Just read over that tonight.😆 Actually makes me jealous, cause I had calves getting out, but they were goin over to the horse farm across the street. Meanwhile I’ve been tryin to catch my mama’s coming in to heat, but I’m...
  3. pleasantpasturesbeef

    My new baby, Molly

    Love those before and after shots from behind her. She's looking good!
  4. pleasantpasturesbeef

    My new baby, Molly

    He's beautiful!! My mom used to raise and show horse down in Arkansas growing up, but we've never had one at our home when I was growing up. Sure are beautiful, majestic creatures, but I'm sure must take a lot of investment, time and money wise. I've really been enjoying following your story...
  5. pleasantpasturesbeef

    My new baby, Molly

    Yes, I've heard that it's been diagnosed as a disorder...OCD (Obsessive Cow Disorder) I was super relieved to finally get a diagnosis for my unusual addiction after I got back into cows!😉😂 lol. Yep, it's considered to be non-damaging lol, so you should be fine.👍👏