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  1. S

    question about animal breeding: tribe

    I have read that cows have greater genetic influence than bull due to mitochondrial DNA, the offspring get the same number of chromosomes from each parent but because of the size difference of egg and sperm, there is more genetic material received from the cow. I believe linebreeding is used to...
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    Ask me in 20 years, I've been raising purebreds for just over that, and I'm still trying to learn. There's 2 main advantages to linebreeding. It concentrates the good genes and shows up the recessives. There's 2 main disadvantages. It concentrates the undesirable genes and slows the rate of...
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    Picking a replacement bull from your own herd.

    #14 hands down. I don't like under 70lb bw on cows though. I like 37 too. If his dam is deep enough I wouldnt worry about flank depth at this point. A lot changes by weaning. I'd keep those 2 and see which developes the best. 36 looks like he isn't as square hipped? The udder would be the deal...
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    Scrotal Circumference

    Fwiw, my vet says he sees a lot of 40 cm plus yearlings that have subpar semen. Overfeeding between weaning and yearling can deposit fat in the scrotum which inflates the size but decreases fertility. He says best fertility is in the 35-40 range for yearlings.