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  1. cypressfarms

    Spring calving in the South?

    I like to calve in the winter just so I can have the flexibility to sell calves whenever the price is at its best. If you have a calf born April or May, you're going to have to sell it fall or keep it over the winter. However, if a calf is born in the winter, you could sell mid summer while the...
  2. cypressfarms


    GREAT JOB! Or good luck! Either way, take it and run!
  3. cypressfarms

    stupid hay rings

    By hay rings I'm assuming that you're talking about the round metal/galvanized type that are just put around a standing round bale of hay.... A couple of observations: First, hay rings are mainly designed to save hay; as in not let cows trample and urinate/deficate all over it. I've read/and...
  4. cypressfarms

    Bull Choice ??

    Yeah Jeanne, I do know people that fall calve. Down here you can choose, where up north you calve in spring out of necessity. Fall calves are normally smaller when born, but carrying "wet" cows through the winter will use more hay/ryegrass etc. The last time I was in the bull market, I looked...
  5. cypressfarms

    Bull Choice ??

    Yep, the BRAH part of the Simbrah does it every time!
  6. cypressfarms

    Bull Choice ??

    I wish Simmi's did better with our heat....I'd love to have a simmi bull, but the one's I've seen around here struggle with our summers. I'm sure someone will come on and say I'm wrong, ofcourse, but anything without a little brahman influence seems to struggle down here in the summer... But...
  7. cypressfarms

    Heifer are so Stupid.

    Was it AC that said a calf is born looking for a way to die.... (Sorry if it wasn't); I think the same applies as they grow up as well. By the time a cow gets "good" at calving and taking care of the calf, she's already middle aged unfortunately. This is a stupid heifer though :nod:
  8. cypressfarms

    bulls with an attitude

    Really good point! The bull can sense your insecurity, and if your not sure, then he needs to go before someone gets hurt.
  9. cypressfarms

    When do you release a new bull?

    If you have mature bull(s) in the pasture already, putting a young bull in may result in him getting injured. I had a yearling charolais bull hurt by a ticked off mature Angus bull before. If you must do it, I'd recommend keeping a close watch on them in case the mature bull(s) gang up on the...
  10. cypressfarms

    2012 calves

    I figured red, but I was curious because of all of the various colors
  11. cypressfarms

    2012 calves

    Nice calves! What kind of bull are you using?
  12. cypressfarms


    I've seen a jenny donkey seperate a newborn calf from the moma cow, and not let them get back together, to the horror of the calf and cow - I think the jenny was just playing. The cow could do nothing; a donkey can easily kick/bite hurt a cow. Thankfully this was not my jenny, or she wouldn't be...
  13. cypressfarms


    My only experience with a Jenny that foaled was that she was even more cautious and protective of EVERYTHING, and would not let anything come into the pasture that it was not used to. But that was just one experience.
  14. cypressfarms


    I like your possible answer!
  15. cypressfarms


    Maybe SSS?
  16. cypressfarms


    You're right on there Gale. I won't leave a donkey with my cows unless I "know" the donkey. too much to risk. I've seen jennies corner newborn calves and keep them from their moma. Not good. I've also seen (my) Jenny keep a 2,000 pound bull away from a pile of feed I poured on the ground. All...
  17. cypressfarms

    Would you condider this bull good for heiffers?

    We'll have to agree to disagree......I never like first time heifers calving fat. Too much risk for problems. a 7-8 BCS is asking for problems, in my opinion. What's the harm in having them calve at 5 BCS, and not risking the potential loss of a calf or moma? Again, I'll respectfully have to...
  18. cypressfarms


    right about that! That's why I said a Jenny. Mini's dont really have an effect on predators, from what I've heard. But a regular size female donkey will keep dogs and coyotes out of the pasture.
  19. cypressfarms


    Next door neighbor has lost 4-5 calves this year from coyotes. His pastures run right along mine; I haven't lost any to coyotes, but I also have a donkey in the pasture with the cattle. Talked to the nieghbor last weekend, he's going to buy several Jenny's and put one with each herd he has. My...
  20. cypressfarms

    Would you keep this heifer?

    Couple of years ago or so I ran numbers on all the calves I had, focusing on weaning weight. Almost every heifer (read first calf) weaned a calf below the herd average. If memory serves me correctly, the heifer average was about 50 pounds less than the cow average. By the second calf every...