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  1. L

    Grazon PD

    You are correct. In Texas a license is required for 2,4D except for small quantities which Tx Dept Ag figures that you will use for your lawn
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    Hay Value Comparisons

    You lost me. . How to figure it. Figure the cost of protein per lb. 1000 lb round 10% protein cost $50.00 equals .50 per lb for protein ($50/100lbs of protein) 1000 lb round 15% protein cost $65.00 equals .43 lb for protein ($65/150lbs of protein) Dairy farmers are interested in RFV but I...
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    What to plant - Texas Tough or Common Bermuda??

    Do you irrigate? I try to cut every 4 weeks but over the last 20 years average more like 5 -6 weeks. If it doesn't rain after each fertilizer application I can't cut that often. I average around 14% protein at this age.
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    What to plant - Texas Tough or Common Bermuda??

    I haven't heard of anyone putting out 200 lbs of actual N per cutting of coastal much less 350# of actual N. Most good producers looking for quality would go with 100lbs of actual N. What exactly did you apply? What protein do you typically get? At what stage do you cut the grass?
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    Frost Bit Coastal Bermuda

    It's not dead. The only way to kill coastal is to freeze out it's roots. Give it some warm weather and it will produce some new growth. It's no different that ryegrass getting burned by a freeze. BTW, I have some coastal here that is already about 4" tall. We had a light freeze last night.
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    4x5 Round Bales

    4' across its width and 5' tall (diameter) A 5 x4 is 5' wide and 4' tall
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    Soil Test Results

    Wood ash has no nitrogen and very little phosphorus.
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    coastal bermuda or tifton 44

    I don't think that Tifton 85 is as cold tolerant as coastal. As far north as you are I suggest Midland 99. Back in the 50's when everyone was sprigging coastal in Texas, OK was sprigging Midland because it is more cold tolerant. Here in north Texas, we have had our coastal damaged several times...
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    Agricultural Disaster Assistance

    Sure it's Bush. He will veto the bill because it contains verbage that the troops must leave at a certain date. The democrats put in money to help us and our great leader would rather screw the farmers and blow it all overseas. I personally hope that they impeach the s.o.b.
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    Agricultural Disaster Assistance

    President has already said that he will veto it. :mad:
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    Bad Grass

    I seriously doubt Coastal will choke out any other grass. I have been fertilizing (by soil tests) several coastal fields for over 20 years. The Texas winter grass, and a little Dallis grass and Johnson grass are still there. Show us a pix of the grass or take a sample to your county agent.
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    To Disk in applied fertilzer before or after rain

    Pasture drills are designed to apply the fert. the same time as seeding. I would put the P out with the seed and disk them in together. The seedlings need access to the P at sprouting, not 2 weeks down the road when the roots reach what you disked in. BTW, don't plant bermuda grass until it is...
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    Experiences with Durana and Apache Arrowleaf Clover?

    I am in north Texas. I planted arrowleaf last fall. As usual it come up in Oct but makes no growth until late Feb or early March. Right now my arrowleaf is from 2-4" tall, thick and green..
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    Permanent Pastures

    Why have the tank at all? In other words what advantage is to to pump into the tank and then irrigate?
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    how to tell is fertilizer is working

    A fertilized field (dark green when the nitrogen kicks in) will have much higher protein content than non fertilized. Also by fertilizing your rainfall will cause more grass to grow. If it is a dry year, you will wish that you had fertilized
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    Fescue life span

    I would think that KY31 would last forever, the newer endophyte free ones probably 3-4 years