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  1. L

    Army Worms

    I am also in south central Texas and we had army worms in our oats about two weeks ago. Had them sprayed by airplane and knocked them down. I am expecting the next generation any day. I walk my fields every morning while the dew is still wet. That is the best way I have found to catch them while...
  2. L

    Seed oats

    I have planted both varities and I am about 100 miles north of you. I like the BIG MAC the best but my supplier said that they are hard to find this year. I am planning on planting TAM 397.
  3. L


    Thanks dun thats what I should have said.
  4. L


    If spraying is ruled out, then a shreader is my next choice. I sprayed my hay meadows with 2,4,D and just shreaded the bad spots in the pasture. Some years they can really be a problem, especially if the soil is disturbed.
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    I am also located in central Texas. I plan to dry plant oats just like I do every year. I always flatbreak my land in June and let it lay until the first of September. I then apply my granular fertilizer and harrow it under. I then let that lay until after Sept. 15. I then plant oats and hope...
  6. L

    Hay supply, how much extra do you keep?

    Humidity is terrible here 125 miles inland from the gulf coast. We do not have vents on the barn and the hay does not suffer. A&M which is just 20 miles from me did a study on some hay that was stored for 30 years and found only minor differences in the before and after analysis. Thats when I...
  7. L

    Hay supply, how much extra do you keep?

    We keep a years worth inside and a years worth outside. We don't rotate. Just keep the hay inside dry and out of the weather and it will keep for years. This past winter we had to go into our inside storage for the first time in 9 years. The hay looked good and the cattle did good.
  8. L


    I like the stuff. My cows love the stuff. My wife hates the stuff as her dad was a cottonfarmer and made her chop and dig the roots as a young girl. I threatened to plant some on some old crop land but got an absolute NO!
  9. L

    Fire Ants

    Have used mothballs with success, but never heard of cut up flea collars. How many mothballs does it take to cover 200 acres??
  10. L

    Fire Ants

    What that fly does to the fire ant is way to good for the fire ant. They are a real pain in the hay patch and around pressure switches on water wells. They are attracted to any place an electric arc occurs , such as the pressure switch opening and closing.
  11. L

    Fire Ants

    The vegatative problems can be slowed down, but I think the fire ants are here to stay. We can make them move and thin them out, but back they come. Almost as persisent as a Mesquite tree.