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  1. JustSimmental

    Powerflex Fiberglass Post

    I looked at the Fiberglass posts on that website and I didnt see any mention of UV protection --- and without it you are going to be unhappy with the results in a few years --
  2. JustSimmental

    limit feeding of hay

    Hay is cheap in May --buy your hay in May .............. then feed all ya want to JS
  3. JustSimmental

    Deer and electric fence

    Best thing I know to do is plant vetch outside your grazing areas --deer being browsers prefer it to winter/summer temporary cattle grazing JS
  4. JustSimmental

    Rye grass questions

    Probably be fine -- Ryegrass is a early spring to late spring grazing.... If you want good grazing throughout the winter months in your neck of the woods try Rye either in arable land (my preference) or no tilled in dormant bermuda/native grass next time JS
  5. JustSimmental

    soil test

    What is your lime index? ph= ____ ?
  6. JustSimmental

    Strip grazing vs MIG or rotational grazing

    strip grazing on clayey soils will cause some serious compaction issues --- j/s
  7. JustSimmental

    E. Texas--Sungrazer 777?

    Planted some about 3 years ago as a trial plot on the sorriest, sandiest, land we had, tortured it with grazing -- survived drought 2010 2011 and 2012. I would recommend it.
  8. JustSimmental

    Best grass for pasture

    Get a soil sample, so you know what you are dealing with. Don't plant a permanent pasture grass as you will not benefit greatly from that. 1. Mow it short 2. Let it regrow a bit 3. Nuke it with 2 quarts of roundup per acre, chisel plow it / disk it several times to get a good seed bed 4. Plant...
  9. JustSimmental

    Tifton Ga. Hybrid bermuda.

    Table 1 is amount of N/Acre over the whole year depending too, on how many weeks you wait between cuttings. No reason to apply over 100 units per acre per cutting really with a max of 3 cuttings per year that is 300 units of N/Acre We normally put out an 80-20-80-20 (N - P - K - S where pH of...
  10. JustSimmental

    Growing Perennial Peanut?

    Been growing Perennial Peanut since 1989. What kinda info do you need>?
  11. JustSimmental


    Send us some armyworms over here --they do a great job of taking that awful Bermuda grass out of the perennial peanuts
  12. JustSimmental

    2-4-D Amine Restricted Use?

    2-4-D Amine has been found to be a Carcinogen in some cases and will more than likely hit the Restricted Use label soon and I look for it to be one day off the market completely. TSC with their limited understanding of what producers need and use arn't the best place to buy herbicides anyway --...
  13. JustSimmental

    Oats straw and alfalfa vs. lick tank?

    The height of Ignorance is condemnation before investigation I don't sell this "stuff" I Use it. its simple, its easy and it works well when combining CP and mineral together and it costs less, but it does depend on how many cows you are feeding --just a few then there are many options. Lick...
  14. JustSimmental

    Do I bale junk hay ?

    Thats an awful expensive way to get protein to cows on poor hay. 24 2 1/2 gallon jugs with 20% protein at over $400 dollars. You can buy a ton of 20% cubes cheaper than that without the cost of the equipment. Maybe, if you plan to only feed 1 ton of cubes (@275/T), you can juice the bale and...
  15. JustSimmental

    Do I bale junk hay ?

    This is what one can expect coming from an Aggie> no voice of reason, never venturing outside the box, just locked inside his closet praising his Obama Shrine < :deadhorse:
  16. JustSimmental

    Oats straw and alfalfa vs. lick tank?

    Anything that is self limiting will cost you more money --- especially lick tanks << bad idea to me Oat hay plus will be more cost effective
  17. JustSimmental

    Do I bale junk hay ?

    Bale it and juice it with this >>> --- welcome to the 21st century
  18. JustSimmental

    hay trailer that you feed from

    most of the hay feeding trailers are junk these days but >> These are the best made for the money--I just bought 2 this year (DRB models)>>
  19. JustSimmental

    Pearl Millet

    I have been planting pearl millet since 1983. I prefer the dwarf millet like Tiff Leaf 3 as it has a smaller forage type stem and is more palatable. In 2012, Tiff Leaf 3 will not be plentiful, due to the drought issues in Texas. Better get it now if you want any as it may already be gone...
  20. JustSimmental

    Corn Growers and Grass Farmers

    I agree Agmantoo. The difference here is that those of us that raise cattle only have been pushing our pencils for years with no subsidy for our products and there is no need. These farmers have been on the dole so long they think it's normal. They don't watch expenses like we do because they...