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  1. G

    Missouri Stocking Rates

    The current places I’ve looked at have been in the 1.5-2.4 range. The cattle paying for the ground is a must. They way I’ve penciled some of these places they will work.
  2. G

    Missouri Stocking Rates

    Mainly fescue with a small amount of Bermuda grass.
  3. G

    Missouri Stocking Rates

    I’ve mainly found places in southern Missouri, but I’d be interested in a place anywhere. I live in northwest Kansas, but I’m currently running cows in Montana after the ranch I had cattle on in Colorado sold for tons of money. I’m looking to get a place to keep everything together and not jump...
  4. G

    Missouri Stocking Rates

    First time post although I’ve scoured this site for a long while. I’m very interested in purchasing some land in Missouri to run cattle. I know it all depends on location and how much brush/ improved pasture there is, but I was wondering if some Missouri cattle people could tell me stocking...