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  1. P

    Sale Results

    That is a great deal. I have heard the Winnsboro is for sale. I hope not but have only heard the coffee shop gossip. The auctioneers do the Wood County Junior Livestock Auction for the FFA and 4h kids for a lot of years. I have been very happy with the money they have been able to get for the...
  2. P

    Sale Results

    It is closer to Emory for you is it not? Just curious why Winnsboro. Nice check for you either way.
  3. P

    Local Sale Barn Closed

    The bridge by the minnow bucket? Best I can recall there are sum fine places up that way. At least from the water when I fished... before cattle if ya catch my drift.
  4. P

    Local Sale Barn Closed

    Sorry I can't help with that. I have never had dealings with them. I did see your profile had you in Georgia but thought you may have moved.
  5. P

    Local Sale Barn Closed

    I forget about them as well. And I have watch the large volume net sales on line. I only get up that way once a year to get 2-1-1 from the co-op. Really not a fan of the drive for some reason. The only good part is driving over lake fork.
  6. P

    Local Sale Barn Closed

    I have forgot about van zandt been by it couple times over the years. I will look into that and if the sale is on a weekend try to swing by. If on a week day I will have to wait untill vacation this fall. Thank you for the reminder.
  7. P

    Local Sale Barn Closed

    About 45 minutes. We are over in wood county. Are you close as well?
  8. P

    Local Sale Barn Closed

    I hear Winsboro is up for sale. Very sad to see. But we still have Emory, Longview, and Athens. For now at least.