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  1. rwtherefords

    What is the best small tractor for a small farm?

    I would suggest anything that's 4X4, in the 45 hp to 55 hp range for handling hay and bush hogging type tasks. After struggling with a Ford 3600 2WD with a front loader for way too many years, I purchased a used JD 5300 4WD that had an appropriate size front loader. Handling hay in any field...
  2. rwtherefords

    Jeep Wrangler

    I've been driving a 1994 (YJ), 4 cyl. Wrangler for several years now. I average about 20 mpg, have plenty of power for off-roading in low range, and have had very few problems with it. I'm running 235/75/15 Goodyear Wrangler tires and it goes anywhere I need to go, easily. It had 97000 miles...
  3. rwtherefords

    Cattle Scales

    I bought a MTI-500-WB display and 2 load bars for $900 + $40 shipping two years ago. It's been a good setup in my opinion.
  4. rwtherefords

    Weighing Calves

    I use a MTI-500-WB indicator and 2 load bars for all of my weighing. Paid $940 (including shipping) for it new 2 years ago. It's been accurate to within a pound or two whenever I've checked it, and I've been very satisfied.
  5. rwtherefords

    Too much white- Hereford

    I never said color markings made a better cow? I would think that if you're going to disagree with me, at least you'd disagree about a point I made, and not on the basis of some other point not related to my post. Your example of your poorly marked top cow is fine. Breed her to a bull that can...
  6. rwtherefords

    Too much white- Hereford

    IMO, I think all Herefords calved that would not be considered to have the the classic Hereford markings by reasonable people, should be culled just like one would cull for bad udders, etc. Herefords, as a breed, have a "certain" look. Those which, by appearance, would make one wonder if...
  7. rwtherefords

    Heifers calving at 3 instead of 2

    I've tried both ways. Never had a problem calving a 2 year old with proper bull selection. The only time I've had to deal with dystocia is when trying to calve heifers as 3 year olds. I don't try it any more. All the talk about better health, frame, condition, etc. hasn't proven to be true...
  8. rwtherefords

    I fell like being abused-Bull pic

    How about his registration # so we can see what his EPD's look like?
  9. rwtherefords

    Pretty well says It

    Sounds like the TRUTH to me. If you're not hearing it wherever you're currently attending, a change is in order. 2 Tim. 4:3 For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to...
  10. rwtherefords

    Hereford-Charolais cross

    I posted pictures of 2 Char/Hereford calves last fall. They do not look like Herefords! They are a much lighter tan color. They have a white face, but mine always have tan goggle patches around each eye. They also dont...
  11. rwtherefords

    Ethical Decision Making ... what would you do?

    Animals are property! They are NOT collectively owned by society! I believe they should be treated ethically but it is not up to you, me, society, gov., etc. to police anyone elses behavior as it relates to THEIR property. When you stand before God on your judgment day, you'll have to give an...
  12. rwtherefords


    If you're asking about Farley's birthweight EPD going up, no I don't expect that at all. Like I said, I've seen enought of his calves from cows I'm familier with to know what to expect. Birth weights of his calves from cattle that are managed around here (the same way I manage my cattle) are...
  13. rwtherefords


    Kent pretty much summed up what I've heard. The "numbers" originally show him to be a calving ease bull with great growth and a good pedigree, but the calving ease just isn't there, or so I've heard. Please realize that my comment was just passing on "hear say" information. I have no direct...
  14. rwtherefords


    I like Feltons 517 and LLL Farley 24F. In my opinion, the Farley bull is a good maternal bull. He puts a good udder on a cow! There are others I like very much, but they're local bulls that aren't nationally known. Someone spoke about the latest fad bulls. Seems that alot of people fall in...
  15. rwtherefords

    Bull Pen Size?

    I have a 0.8 acre pen that works fine for me when keeping just 1 bull during the good grass growing season. I think your answer depends on your pasture in Kansas, the time of year you plan to keep a bull in the pen, whether you want to suppliment feed or not, etc. Exercise requirements can be...
  16. rwtherefords

    Sorry Ladies!!

    Just curious, what makes you think this belongs in the beginners forum? No question or comment that pertains to beginner issues! Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. I might have hurt SRR's feelings. What about the rest of you? Doesn't this post belong in the Coffee Shop or Everything Else...
  17. rwtherefords


    I agree with you Caustic, but my guess is that those who disagree won't reply to this post. Put me in the agree column! :D
  18. rwtherefords

    Gilligan's Island - Please vote!

    Mary Ann
  19. rwtherefords

    Caustic Norris

    Maybe norriscathy could post a list a credible post authors to assist the beginners he claims to be so concerned about. Certainly there are more than 3 credible authors participating here. I know I’d certainly like to know who I should be listening to.
  20. rwtherefords

    hanging weigh or live weight

    Don't know about the laws, but if you buy a live animal from me you pay live weight. If you purchase beef by the half, it's sold by hanging weight.