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  1. J

    Bathtubs as water troughs

    polyurethane spray foam
  2. J

    Building Fence

    We have a "high and heavy hitter" hydraulic post pounder that we pull behind the tractor or pickup and can put in a GOOD corner system in about 5-10 minutes. I'm talking one corner post, brace post and horizontal brace and then the wire that ties them together. then we just drive down the line...
  3. J

    foot rot

    sprinkle barn lime around the water tanks for prevention, making sure you have it in an area that they will all step in it.
  4. J


    Toga, Toga, Toga!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. J

    foot bath for cattle - help (added pic)

    We sprinkle barn lime around the water tanks to prevent foot rot. Put it around the water tanks so we know all cattle step in it.
  6. J

    1995 F250 mechanics question

    I'm not a mechanic. Once the problem is identified I can usually do the parts changin' and such but I can't identify things worth a hoot. I have a 1995 F250 with 80,000 miles on it. The rear driver's side wheel makes a rattling sound. I crawled under the truck and was feeling around. See...