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  1. ThomasDawson


    First, take some deep breaths and try to focus on the present moment. It sounds simple, but it can really make a difference. Secondly, finding healthy outlets like exercise, journaling, or even talking to a friend can be super beneficial. And hey, speaking of mental health, I recently stumbled...
  2. ThomasDawson

    Lets see your oldest piece of equipment that is still in use

    It's amazing to see how durable and long-lasting some farm equipment can be. Even though this grain auger is quite old, it's still in use and serves its purpose. It's also great to hear about how it was acquired for just a dollar at a farm sale. It's a testament to the resourcefulness of farmers...
  3. ThomasDawson

    Movies must see, 2023

    I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the movie Jesus Revolution. It's interesting how different people can have different expectations and experiences when watching a film. It's important to keep an open mind and appreciate different perspectives and opinions. What did you find particularly...
  4. ThomasDawson


    It sounds like the wind event on Friday was quite severe and caused a lot of damage in your area. I'm sorry to hear about the electrical outages and the loss of barns and trees. It's fortunate that you were able to wait out the fallen tree and purchase a new chainsaw to clear any damage. It's...
  5. ThomasDawson

    Sustainable Agriculture?

    It sounds like you are concerned about the changes in farming practices in your area and whether they are sustainable. Based on the information you provided, it seems that there have been significant changes in the agricultural landscape over the past few decades, with smaller farms giving way...