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  1. Barnyard Chaos

    Transitioning to starter feed

    Does it freeze well? We keep the milk replacer in the kitchen in the bag or a bucket with lid. Any excess goes in the deep freeze for next time. The first bag of replacer I fed to these two little ones had been in the freezer for a year.
  2. Barnyard Chaos

    Transitioning to starter feed

    Missy, at the feed trough this morning. I love the black rings around her eyes, and the little tufts of red hair in her ears: And Junior:
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  5. Barnyard Chaos

    Transitioning to starter feed

    Update and checking progress, if anyone would offer input please? The two bottle calves are doing great - I think! They are 11 weeks old now, and still getting a full bottle of milk replacer each (split into two feedings), along with all the calf GROWER feed they want. I'm feeding Purina...
  6. Barnyard Chaos

    My little farm Intro

    you are so right! I am their butler, cook, housemaid, security guard, nurse, and all-around slave to their demands. LOL But they taste so darn good!
  7. Barnyard Chaos

    Show me your herd bull

    Our boy, 3-year old Homer, lovin' up on one of the new Balancer heifers, taken last week. He's Angus and Hereford cross; his sire is registered Angus out of Cedar Ridge and Full Power: Here's another shot, taken last fall: This bottle baby is his first calf, out of a Beefmaster/Angus cow:
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  11. Barnyard Chaos

    My little farm Intro

    Good morning! After posting a couple of threads about my bottle calves, it's past time to introduce myself. My husband and I have a small farm (12 acres at home, 14 more a mile away) just outside of Kansas City, Missouri where we raise some livestock to fill our freezers and some for family and...
  12. Barnyard Chaos

    Transitioning to starter feed

    I'm going by instructions on the back of the bag of Land O' Lakes calf milk replacer and Purina Startena starter feed (which contains grain), and articles I've read from several legitimate sources on how to wean bottle-fed calves (university extensions, gov't articles, experienced farmers). All...
  13. Barnyard Chaos

    Transitioning to starter feed

    Correction: It's not "scours" really. Just loose stools, no bad smell, runny & brown but not watery. I think I need to cut the milk back sooner rather than later, give some electrolytes maybe with 1 dose immodium if the scours remedy doesn't work by morning.
  14. Barnyard Chaos

    Transitioning to starter feed

    Thank you - I have something around here, a powder mix to add to their bottle; just remembered. I'll give it to her this evening.
  15. Barnyard Chaos

    Transitioning to starter feed

    Of course! Glad to show them off..... This is Missy laying down, Junior standing. Took these photos this morning, shortly after their morning bottle. Missy, my sweet girl. Junior getting a drink Missy in the barn. She's had some mild scours for the last few days, and appears a bit...
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  20. Barnyard Chaos

    Transitioning to starter feed

    Please help me understand the process to transition my bottle calves to grain, hay and pasture. I have two, heifer and steer, at nearly 9 weeks old. Backstory is the steer's mother had mastitis; heifer's mother was a neighbor's old cow with huge udders dragging the ground. Lucky me, I got the...