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  1. W

    What is your worst beef you ever eaten?

    A long time ago when we still had limousines we had a bull that was too mean to get in a trailer to take to town. The butcher came and shot him. We ended up with 1800lbs of the driest toughest hamburger you could have. The other one was what my dad referred to as Florida Swamp Doggie we ate in...
  2. W

    Black Herefords are the next major breed!

    One of the first things I was taught was not to use crossbred bulls. The crosses fall apart too easy. I realize all breeds were a cross to start out with, but they have been bred true for a long time.
  3. W

    Does your neighbor's cattle makes you nervous?

    On the other hand you could just use his bull.
  4. W

    Does your neighbor's cattle makes you nervous?

    We have another neighbor who is going with the whole ranch for profit thing. He doesn't vaccinate, feed hay or really do anything for his cattle. He just sells what shows up in the fall. My dad offered to pay for all of his vaccine so our cattle wouldn't be exposed to his and he still wouldn't...
  5. W

    Does your neighbor's cattle makes you nervous?

    We hauled a neighor's fence crawlers to the sale barn and told them where to send the check. Didn't get in trouble from anybody.
  6. W

    how much $#^$ salt do they need to eat???

    We have the same problem. Our cows could eat way more salt than what the feed people say they should. If we put it out they will eat it. It just has something to do with environmental conditions. It doesn't matter whether it is a wet year or dry year our cows just like salt. We just give...
  7. W

    Young Farmer

    Some times family can be a help or a hinderance. At times you may be better off looking for something that isn't tied into the family. I know this is very hard. However, there are some states that have databases for older people who want to help a younger person use their land to start...