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  1. K2011

    Drought update (PIC ADDED)

    Well we got ALMOST an inch of rain about a week ago, but it didn't help much at all.. but here are some pics from the last week or two. looking in the pasture..i have a picture some where on my computer from 2007 when it rained a lot of this same area..**ok i found the pic from 2007...amazing...
  2. K2011

    Summer Random Pics

    Just some pics from the summer I went to a whitetail deer/wildlife leadership camp in June and had an absolute blast! This is me shooting the .243.. We got to disect a doe and turns out she had a fawn in her...and my group was the 1st ones to 'work' on the doe so we got to pull out the fawn...
  3. K2011

    Drought Pics

    Took some pics yesterday of the pasture,,,and we took 10 calves and one cow yesterday to auction.. this is where we normally make hay...the dirt/sandy part is where we planted oats last deer season.. new bull calf who looks exactly like his mama.. up at our other place which is much much...
  4. K2011

    Tons of pics

    sorry for posting so many pics all the time but it gives me somthing to do! lol but yeah here are some from yesterday... ha anyone know why some/all horses do this with their lip? it's like they just get lazy and let it hang lol Tiger-striped calf "Teddy" Teddy and his bff "Baldie" I love his...
  5. K2011

    Random Pics (PICS ADDED -- landscape)

    Took some pics this past week. The red bull's latest calf We put the cows/heifers and calves in the back pasture, but we left our old blind cow and one that is close to calving and the cancer eye cow and calf in with the bull. The rest of the cows were going crazy over the fresh new grass --...
  6. K2011

    Calves with color pics

    Blue Bell's bull calf Tuffy's heifer calf My cow Casper and her heifer calf More of my calf... Tiger-stripped calf Rudy Hot Link's bull calf Checker's new heifer calf The bull "Rocky III"
  7. K2011

    Today/Yesterday LOTS of Pics

    when this calf was born he was solid red and has now turn 'tiger striped' but he has a red simmental bull sire and a char. simm cross mother???? maybe somewhere WAY WAY back in his mom's lines she has some brahman/ hereford in her....his hooves are also a different color than we normally get...
  8. K2011

    Cancer Eye. Pics

    My dad didn't sell this cow b/c he and I both felt that she was getting close to calving so we went out there today and she had a bull calf. So what would you do now? sell her and the calf in a month or 2 as a pair?????? she is still in fairly good body condition and so far has enough milk for...
  9. K2011

    Cows (PICS)

    Took some pics yesterday and today... "Woody Tongue" (if yall remember last year she had wooden tongue) she has filled back out quite nicely except she'll more than likely be late calving... "Timmy" The newest baby...he is actually bigger than "Timmy" and some of the other calves...
  10. K2011

    Heifer Again...

    Ok if yall remember the heifer we lost and I said nothing has really touched her....well it has been almost exactly one week since I last "looked" at her and now she is COMPLETLY GONE! I mean when we drove up we thought someone had hauled her off...but about 10yrds or so there was her skull...
  11. K2011


    Pics....sorry if I've used some of them before....but I used some photo editors and spiced 'em up a bit....I'll add more tonite....have some on my camera that might look pretty cool I think that trailer has been there a little while... (it actually was my grandfather's first cattle trailer)...
  12. K2011

    Lost a Heifer...QUESTION

    Today we found one of our heifers dead. She was lying right by a fence and we have no idea what happend to her and never will, about a week ago we had a big storm come through and she didn't look all that great (just had her head hanging down low and ears low. but that was normal considering it...
  13. K2011

    Cancer Eye Cow

    I haven't been out to the place in a while (about 3 weeks) and I noticed today that a cow has cancer eye (correct?) now I'm not 100% sure if she is going to have a calf but she should be due in late June I belive...we've never had a cancer eye cow before and I have no idea how fast this will...
  14. K2011

    Pics from today

    "Cliff Jr." "John Jr. Jr." with some alge in his mouth One of the heifers that was dehorned The bull this morning was "talking it over" with the neighbor's bull -- but he was across the fence and a creek A first calf heifer with her baby... Different calf and cow These 2 look...
  15. K2011

    bloat? prolapse? old age?

    My grandpa has a cow...a rather old cow. My father has been watching her and said that her left side was big, I know that this probably means bloat but I couldn't see her to put in another opinion...although I've never seen a live bloated cow I might get to "help" make the descision if she was...
  16. K2011

    Calves & Flowers

    The BlueBonnets and Paint Brushes have really come out since we got a little bit of rain. Not sure what the offical name of this flower is but ppl around here just refer to them as Buttercups.. A BlueBonnet with a lot of white And one that is kinda purple And a very deep blue one too Had...
  17. K2011


    Today we had another new red baby bull calf - that makes 3 red bull calves for the place Mother. Newest one (^her calf^)...note the white tip on this tail Simbrah calf...he has yet to get to play with the other 2 calves due to a fence between them Found a shed antler today - nothing big...
  18. K2011

    Simbrah Bull Calf

    Simbrah bull calf.... "Chain Link" (Mom's name is "Hot Link" who's mother's name was "Link" b/c she had a perfect white patch in the center of her tail that looked like a white link -- well I suppose more like a peice of PVC pipe) Now the solid red calf will have someone to buddy around with...
  19. K2011

    Lots of Pics

    Took some pics over the weekend... This bull calf was 4 days old when he was attacted (we suppose) and killed by coyotes (we suppose) I am surprised though that the cow didn't and or couldn't "save" him b/c she wass VERY protective of this calf...but I guess that's life and money that we just...
  20. K2011

    Calves Pics (Lots of Pics)

    I had to lol at this earlier when I saw what kinda of pic I got. This is "Sunglasses" not really a name but that's what we call her... I call this picture "Mom and Me" I thought it was soooo cute. John Jr. Jr. decided he was going to eat the hose This is Cliff Jr. Scratch! John Jr...