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  1. L

    Pink Eye?

    Minerals - with plenty of Vit A, and clipping seedheads are probably two of the most effective things you can do to decrease incidence. Patches, in conjunction with antimicrobial therapy can help diminish corneal scarring. Just commenting on this for folks who may read it and think it's a...
  2. L


    Infectious larvae survive on pasture or in fecal pats for several months to a year or more. Harrowing just spreads them around. If you cut & harvest hay off the paddocks/pastures a couple of times before grazing again, many of the larvae will have dessicated/starved out. Mature cows will have...
  3. L

    Starting over

    No, these were all N Bar Prime Time D806 calves. The Wave calves were later, and I don't recall any issues with them... 2 of the 3 Wave daughters that we got were deadhead sweethearts; the third was a little warm when working them, but we had others that were much worse... she came up open...
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    KY banning hunting of hogs

    20 years or more ago, hogs showed up on the Ft. Campbell military base here in the south end of the county. TN boys who liked hunting them with dogs brought 'em up from south GA/FL and kicked 'em out around the periphery of the base (most of Ft. Campbell is actually in TN). They were living...
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    Cattle vaccines

    I don't know 'B'... or care... but his 'experience' doesn't alter or negate the 'science' of neonatal immune function. Y'all can do whatever you want. My response was as much for other members on here who might think that vaccinating day-old calves with a Clostridial bacterin/toxoid is a good...
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    Cattle vaccines

    Dave... are you giving Cavalry-9 to 1-2 day old calves, or are you talking giving it to calves purchased at the salebarn? In general, calves cannot/will not respond to any Clostridial bacterin/toxoids given before about 60 days of age... colostral antibodies block the calf's immune response...
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    Open House at the Vet Clinic

    Kenny, Many of these new vet schools that are popping up around the country - including LMU - are utilizing a 'distributive' model. Cheaper for them, because they don't have to build, equip, staff, and maintain a conventional veterinary teaching hospital. They 'farm-out' the students to...
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    Some of that aggression may be innate/breed-related, but the bigger issue is that these dairy bulls are pulled from their dam on Day One and hand-reared by humans... and as such have little to no fear or respect of humans - and once puberty sets in, they regard anything not a cow as a potential...
  9. L

    Asking for a friend…….

    I was pretty sure that no significant effects would be associated with a shot of Lutalyse or Estrumate (synthetic analogs of Prostaglandin F2-alpha) to a bull, but I was wrong... I found this: "Administration of PGF2α (2.5 mg) before semen collection has been shown to increase semen volume and...
  10. L

    Best Cattle Crosses For Unassisted Calving

    You can't deworm your way out of a feed deficiency, but you can feed your way through a (nematode) parasite issue (liver flukes are a different ball game). Is deworming a good practice for young, growing livestock? Yes. Do adult cattle need regular deworming? Mostly...NO. Other than the...
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    The “free” ones

    Hard to believe that a general companion animal practice could not reduce (replace) that dislocated hip; that doesn't require any special orthopedic equipment or expertise. I guess I'm just an old 'dinosaur', but closed reduction was a technique that every veterinary student learned, back in my...
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    Cow won’t lay down

    When discussion threads like these pop up, I occasionally take advantage of them to discuss what is allowed, what is approved, what is 'extra-label', and what is prohibited. I see recommendations on here, all the time, of 'give this', or 'give that'... and in some cases, those are good...
  13. L

    Grass ID

    Perennial (and annual, for that matter) ryegrass seedheads have these alternating groups of seeds on an undulating stem. Looks nothing like those in the the original photos
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  15. L

    Cow won’t lay down

    Administering phenylbutazone(Bute) to a food-producing animal - even if it is a 'pet' - is not 'off-label' use, it is a prohibited practice. Your vet should know this, if they don't already. Have I used Bute in cattle, in the past? Yes. Do I do it now? No. Would I recommend it to a client...
  16. L

    Cow won’t lay down

    Dexamethasone will abort late-term pregnancies; use is certainly indicated in this case. 10 day slaughter withdrawal. IV Banamine (approved route of administration) has an effective half-life of ~9 no long- lasting effect. 10 day slaughter withdrawal if given IV, 60+ days, if given IM...
  17. L

    Starting over

    We tagged as soon as we could get 'em... usually waited at least until they were all the way out of the cow. We had one batch of calves from one particular Angus sire, that you either had to tag as soon as they hit the ground, or wait a couple of days. If you tried to put hands on one after...
  18. L

    Too close for comfort.

    KT, Interested in what Immobilizer you have? Wife bought one, years ago, after an evil witch broke my hand and almost broke her arm, while she was in the chute and us trying to get her milked out so her calf could get 'hold of those big ol' teats. This one, though, had alligator clips - one to...
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    This is absolutely correct. I remember, back in the day, one of our clients was a renowned Jersey breeder. I only had occasion to be on his farm once. But the thing that surprised me most was the 2 or 3 little 400 lb heifers already in the milking string, because they'd gotten bred at 4...
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    Fruit trees

    Mr. Chevy, 7a doesn't tell us much; it's not a location... there's a lot of 7a... Z7 VA/NC/TN is different from Z7 TX/OK, is different from Z7CA/WA/OR Apples & stonefruits are gonna necessitate a significant amount of spraying in most of the eastern US if you want anything approaching 'perfect'...