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  1. M

    Check out this AI video. crazy

    You really need to find another way to occupy your time. Living in fear of things you don't understand will make you miserable.
  2. M


    Sounds like it’s likely an old cistern.
  3. M

    Check out this AI video. crazy

    You realize you can’t believe everything you see on the internet, right?
  4. M

    Fiberglass Rods

    Kencove is the only place I've seen so far that offers custom lengths.
  5. M

    2023 Corporate profits

    It doesn’t actually show that at all. We would have to see true profits for many years, along with inputs broken down into categories, and retail prices they charged to find a pattern. There is no doubt that the statement is true, its just that this little meme doesn’t provide anything to show...
  6. M

    2023 Corporate profits

    Whoever made that loses all credibility right away by not understanding that “gross profit” is not the same as profit. Their last sentence pretty much solidifies they don’t understand what they’re trying to pretend they’re experts in.
  7. M

    Submersible Electric Water Trough Heater for Cattle and Horses

    You should be able to measure any voltage in the water with a multimeter. You may not feel it on your finger, but a tongue is way more sensitive. I wouldn’t try that though.
  8. M

    stock tank ice ideas

    I bet sometime since this thread was made 20 years ago, they figured something out.
  9. M

    Big Cats

    Couple things worth pointing out. There are no lynx even close to the easter US. There are lots of bobcats though, very similar animals. There is no such thing as a black cougar, they don’t exist. The only large cats to occasionally be born melanistic are the African leopard and the jaguar...
  10. M

    Another update: Unbelievable what a couple of CT members have done

    Like I said, maybe there's context I just haven't seen. Just seems like an odd story from out here looking in.
  11. M

    Another update: Unbelievable what a couple of CT members have done

    Surely anyone can admit that someone offering to give an online stranger $4k for a pair of cattle that doesn’t yet exist is not a simple “random act of kindness”. I know nothing of this story other than this thread, maybe I missed something. But something seems off…
  12. M

    Heard through the grapevine

    I don't think this is really news. They've known about lithium in Texas for many years. That's why Tesla is planning a lithium refinery in Texas.
  13. M

    What kind of bone is this?

    Nearly certain its a coon skull.
  14. M

    What kind of bone is this?

    Certainly a skull, but I don’t think enough is visible to ID the species.
  15. M

    Suggestions needed

    A soak in vinegar may be all that needed, and its cheap. I soak rusty traps in vinegar, some times they look beyond use. A few days soak and a power wash and they look like new.
  16. M

    Bird Repellent?

    And yet again you are making things up to fit your personal agenda. Swallows are in no way in a “steep decline”. They have actually increased in population and are one of the most widely distributed birds in the world. I like to have them around too, but there is no need to spread lies to make...
  17. M

    Bird Repellent?

    My guess is starlings. Damn things are worse than rats.
  18. M

    Super Pigs Are Invading America

    LOL. I think somewhere some good ol boy is having a chuckle that the dumb azz “journalist” bought his story hook line and sinker. What an idiot. The worst part is that most people will actually think its true.
  19. M

    Bird Repellent?

    Hang cheap nylon garden netting from the ceiling. Most will just give up, any that are persistent end up hanging from the net.
  20. M

    Welcome to the sunny South !

    Its a balmy 0 right now with 20-30 mph wind, wind chill of -20. I’m done with this crap already.