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  1. C

    Access to the forbidden fruits

    To access the political forum, an account upgrade is required. Thank you.
  2. C

    Forum glitches

    I'm glad it's solved, but if you will, start a new thread next time - so I can keep an eye out and document it with our hosting provider. I appreciate you letting us know, and allowing us the opportunity to make it right! Al
  3. C

    How short?

    There is nothing to progress on just need the video to be smaller than ten megs at the moment.
  4. C

    Viewing Size

    We don't use apps here, specifically the one you mentioned for security reasons.
  5. C

    Viewing Size

    There has never been a feature to control the forum size. This looks fine - but smaller font size, which is a setting you might have done accidentally.
  6. C

    Viewing Size

    I'm going to have to ask you to be more specific. What is small?
  7. C

    How short?

    Currently it has to be smaller than 10 megs.
  8. C

    How short?

    If you click insert attachment after uploading, the video is shown as a player on the site instead of downloading to your phone or computer. I'm going to try and correct that to automatically insert.
  9. C

    How short?

    I'll keep investigating this, as I'd love to bring videos into this more. We currently have a 10meg max, which can be 1 second on some video formats.
  10. C

    PM not working

    Tweaked a few settings, thank you for your patience. Please try now.
  11. C

    Politics and Religion board

    During the migration, we changed the PRC section to opt-in only, stating you must reach out to admin. It's now a part of the premium membership here at CattleToday for new members registered after March of 2023. Members before this time, are grandfathered in with access as long as they do not...