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  1. Boot Jack Bulls

    Let's see your brand....

    In WI, a registered brand (current, registered with WI DTACP) is prima facie evidence of ownership, much like the title on a vehicle. Any animal sold with one SHOULD have a bill of sale.
  2. Boot Jack Bulls

    Let's see your brand....

    With the horse market the way it is in the upper mid-west, I'm glad my geldings are branded. I doubt anyone would try, but if someone does steal one, I want to be able to track them down. I've got two nice mares on the place right now that still need to be done, just can't decide what to do on...
  3. Boot Jack Bulls

    Let's see your brand....

    There's 2 branded geldings on my farm that carry my dad's brand. They would be some of that last to carry the Swinging S, something my dad drew up when he was about 5. There's something about a good crisp brand and a roached mane on a spectacular gelding, that I just really like the looks of!
  4. Boot Jack Bulls

    Let's see your brand....

    My avatar is a stylized version of our brand. Not something we use much currently, but as we increase our cow herds it may get put back into use.
  5. Boot Jack Bulls

    Everyone okay?

    Only -20 here this morning. Should break 0 for a high today. We went 5 consecutive days and nights in sub zero, not to mention some wicked bad wind chills. Weather guys saying we will be in the 30s above this's going to be a long week to get there though. We are lucky though, all...
  6. Boot Jack Bulls


    ...of true carcass merit in the breed as a whole right now in this country. For example, industry standard on rib eye is about 2.5. That's a small *ss chop for a meat animal! The one young buck I posted, Baby Shark, scanned at 5+..... Combined with his phenomenal back/rack length, tight hide and...
  7. Boot Jack Bulls

    It's getting crazier

    I avoid just about any sort of political statement these day, be it putting a sign up in my yard or a post on social media. It's just not worth it. I have several friends (like in real life, not just on social media) who are either so far right or so far left, I have to constantly mute them...
  8. Boot Jack Bulls


    And finally, another picture my sister snagged of Danny. I call it "waiting on the rain"
  9. Boot Jack Bulls


    Our NWSS banners. Probably one of our most cherished accomplishments to date...
  10. Boot Jack Bulls


    Article written by Dr Homeyer on our symposium. He's done a couple on our program and my one sister (she a true asset to the boer industry). Always exiting when someone so renowned takes interest in a project!
  11. Boot Jack Bulls


    A couple senior does. The one on the right is 10 and bred for next month.
  12. Boot Jack Bulls


    Some of the does during spring kidding.
  13. Boot Jack Bulls


    Jack hanging out.
  14. Boot Jack Bulls


    Because, what else does one do with a 2 1/2 year old, 300 pound wether?!?!
  15. Boot Jack Bulls


    Here's all three of our current herd bucks. Butt to the camera is Jack, 4 1/2 (Enobled). Facing is Danny, a 2 1/2 year old Jack son (a hair away from Enoblement). And close to camera is Baby Shark aka Doot Doot, 1 1/2 year old Jack son, never shown, but scanned a superior carcass and is tough as...
  16. Boot Jack Bulls


    Hard at work lol! He's 2 1/2 by the way and closing in on his own Enoblement.
  17. Boot Jack Bulls


    My daughter working her show goats.
  18. Boot Jack Bulls


    This is a doe we sold for super cheap as a baby. Needless to say, we had to get her bought back. She's been wining a bit this fall and earned enough points to push her dam to Enoblement!
  19. Boot Jack Bulls


    This is a young buck we sold 1/2 interest on in our sale. He's really doing well and racking up titles with limited showing.
  20. Boot Jack Bulls


    Daughter and niece on the catwalk in the yards. Had to be sure to get this shot, since the catwalk is only history now! This is a young doe we took that was very competitive.