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  1. Caustic Burno

    Post a random thought

    I have lost a bedroom, car and truck to a tree along with other assorted farm equipment. I have no clue how many miles of barbed wire.
  2. Caustic Burno

    Post a random thought

    Trees always fall to maximize damage.
  3. Caustic Burno

    Summer weather predictions

    Simulated Radar for tomorrow afternoon.
  4. Caustic Burno

    Summer weather predictions

    We’re getting another deluge right now. With yesterday and today 36” in three weeks.
  5. Caustic Burno

    Summer weather predictions

    A lot of people have built along the pretty creek or river and wonder why they flood. Houston is one concrete mass from Galveston to Huntsville from Cleveland to Katy Texas. Just look on the map of how many square miles is now subdivision or shopping centers linked by concrete. Water has...
  6. Caustic Burno

    Summer weather predictions

    As I once heard raising cattle builds character, working them and maintaining them builds vocabulary.
  7. Caustic Burno

    Summer weather predictions

    Area flood maps and warnings.
  8. Caustic Burno

    Summer weather predictions

    My bottom pasture, no way to my back pasture by any route. This is a first, I never had a hurricane or tropical storm that I couldn't get to that pasture. Creeks have to plugged with debris from the drought . Had 57" in Harvey and didn’t flood.
  9. Caustic Burno

    Summer weather predictions

    Right now! I would rather be wet than dry. Brings on a different set of challenges. This year might beat 04 when we got over 90” of rain.
  10. Caustic Burno

    Summer weather predictions

    Kenny I don’t know about temperatures but rainfall I’m at 25” in three weeks. Got another 10” Monday. All the fences I just finished repairing need to be worked on again from debris. I have given up on fertilizer no way to pull the fertilizer buggy without tearing up more than its worth. I am...
  11. Caustic Burno

    Post a random thought

    Flies aren’t bad, I remember when you would get ticks in the cab of the log truck on the way to the woods.
  12. Caustic Burno

    Yep, she's my Granddaughter.

    Mine literally got married in a hayfield. Got pictures. You might be redneck.
  13. Caustic Burno


  14. Caustic Burno


  15. Caustic Burno

    Oregon Farms under attack?

    Y’all are living in a communist state.
  16. Caustic Burno

    Post a random thought

    Just wait all packaging, jars and medicine bottles become geriatric proof .
  17. Caustic Burno

    Red Wattle Pigs

    My neighbor has a big red wattle boar.
  18. Caustic Burno


    Being TB hasn’t answered my email I am fearful of bad news.
  19. Caustic Burno


    Not that I know of. He was having some serious health issues I know. I have one last place to look I have an old flip phone I’m going to charge and see if it’s in the contacts.
  20. Caustic Burno


    I had his phone number in my phone I lost in the lake last year.