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  1. Ann Bledsoe

    What I've learned about hurricanes...

    Our area (Okeechobee) got hit pretty hard by the rear eyewall, we were 30 miles from the center of the eye (eye was 55 miles in diameter), but we were very lucky and had minimal damage (knocked out a screen on the wrap-around porch, tore up a screen door, plus lots of trees and 1 fence down)...
  2. Ann Bledsoe

    theory is that we should sacrifice our farmers

    When we first moved in, I was really worried about our "city folk" neighbors, but after talking to some of the other neighbors in the past couple of days, I've found out that they truly are the laughingstock of the neighborhood. I guess I just don't understand people who don't appreciate the...
  3. Ann Bledsoe

    theory is that we should sacrifice our farmers

    I grew up in a small farming community, went to college in a big city, and then spent many years working to be able to afford to get back out to the country. As a child (and young adult), I thought my older relatives that had lived through the Great Depression were a bit fanatical about food...
  4. Ann Bledsoe

    What's in a name?

    Dad calls his place White Oak Hollow -- he lives in the hollow next to White Oak creek. We call our new place in Florida, Mystic Hammock. The house is built in the middle of a hammock and it's dark and mysterious in there. Ann B
  5. Ann Bledsoe

    How many miles?

    I drive an '03 Sonoma 4X4, it'll be 2 years old in Feb, and it has over 47,000 miles on it. Ann B
  6. Ann Bledsoe

    Jeanne had bad breath!

    Glad to hear you came it through it okay. Wind in Okeechobee was 137 mph. We've been told that we also only lost a few shingles, although we also have trees down all over the place. One tree, a 60 ft pine, laid over almost parallel to the house -- just a few more feet and it would have taken the...
  7. Ann Bledsoe

    Curious about Ivan

    That is weird!! But then isn't that lake real shallow? Ann B
  8. Ann Bledsoe

    Curious about Ivan

    It's my fault -- has to be. We've started moving. The year I moved to Nebraska was the worst year for snow in many years -- it snowed so much so fast that they cancelled Halloween. Seems like anytime I move to a new area, the area gets hit by freak weather. So yeah, it's my fault. Ann B
  9. Ann Bledsoe

    And now for something completly different............

    ...our own beef. Still not sure quite how I ended up doing all of it, but I'm not complaining, I enjoy spending my days with the animals -- much better than a having *real* job. I may not make that much, but I've managed to almost elimimate buying food, which makes up for it. Ann B
  10. Ann Bledsoe

    the Lost City of Atlantis

    You forgot -- already has been found, but is known by another name. The Minoan culture meets practically all of the points necessary to have been the Atlantean culture. And their island blew up and sunk beneath the Mediterranean at just about the time Plato's writtings say that Atlantis sunk...
  11. Ann Bledsoe

    PETA and the running of the bulls

    Anybody notice that you couldn't tell male runners from female runners? Not even if they were facing the camera -- the females had no breasts. I guess that explains why "true" vegetarians don't have kids. Has anybody else noticed that? Have any of you ever known a vegetarian that had...
  12. Ann Bledsoe

    Political dilemma

  13. Ann Bledsoe


    My Mom claimed that instead of 72 virgins it was ONE 72 year old virgin!!
  14. Ann Bledsoe

    Missing Work excuse!

    Almost afraid to show this one to hubby -- we have 6 cats.
  15. Ann Bledsoe

    French snub us again

    Heck, the only time the French have been happy with us was when we ran the Nazi's out of the Parisian coffee shops! Ann B
  16. Ann Bledsoe


    Congratulations! We have a grandson who just turned 3 and were just told a couple of days ago, that the little guy is going to have a new brother or sister in January! I LOVE being a GRANDMA! If I had known that grandkids were this much fun, I'd have had them first!! Ann B
  17. Ann Bledsoe

    Ellie Mae

    Personally, I would much rather see a girl Ellie's age devoting her time and energies to animals, instead of falling into the pitfalls and temptations that kids her age can easily get into. Once you fall into it, it's really hard to get your life back on track again. I would have been much...
  18. Ann Bledsoe

    No Weapons of Mass Destruction

    He was put in office by a Supreme Court decision -- not by the election. Al Gore had the votes, Bush didn't. Ann B
  19. Ann Bledsoe

    No Weapons of Mass Destruction

    Well for one thing, he was not the duly elected President. For another, he and Cheney have been too involved with "Big Oil", their loyalties reflect it. Neither one understands the common person. But he was also left with a total mess in the Middle East by his predecessors, and he stepped up...
  20. Ann Bledsoe

    Latest Polls-Bush and Iraq

    Well, I've said it before, I don't like George Bush. But I don't like any of the other choices either -- at this point, IMO, the election will come down to a choice between the lessor of 2 evils. But at least Bush is a KNOWN evil! Mr Kerry seems to be a much scarier prospect. Ann B