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  1. SBMF 2015

    3/4 Ton Truck Recommendation

    If you don’t mind a little older. I’ve got a ‘05 Chevy 2500HD crew with the 8.1 and the Allison transmission. It pulls anything, and will pass anything but a gas station.
  2. SBMF 2015

    Ornery bull

    He’s at that age where he is starting to think he’s in charge. Probably not too much to be done. You could put a ring in his nose.
  3. SBMF 2015

    coffee is ready, have a cup

    I love coffee. I drink about 8 -12 cup in the morning. But coffee grounds just roll my stomach. That and egg shells are like instant gag.
  4. SBMF 2015

    Hay cutting time !

    Not gonna complain about the rain but our forecast is no conducive to making good hay. Got about 20 acres of grass that’s been down for a week, rained on twice. Raked it today and some places it’s still just as green as when I mowed it. Knocked down a few more acres of grass yesterday and today...
  5. SBMF 2015

    Post a random picture

    Isn’t that her on your lap in your avatar?
  6. SBMF 2015

    Post a random picture

    Horses and chainsaws?
  7. SBMF 2015

    What could go wrong?

    After the last bred cow special we went to the order buyers were all hanging back and making jokes. We decided we wanted to stay and see what the fun was. They started selling 300-900lb bull and hfrs. All had big horns and bigger attitudes. There was about a dozen they sold as singles. Everyone...
  8. SBMF 2015

    Daily Chuckle

    We used to have one tagged “WATCH ME “
  9. SBMF 2015

    Dang it, of all the luck

    Well that sucks. Seems like it’s never the knot heads that die. But the ones that you really like just decide to wake up dead.
  10. SBMF 2015

    Cull hard

    The cure for high prices is high prices. Some day they’ll figure out this chicken flu or something bad will happen. And that will be the end of our high price run. Enjoy it while we can, just don’t get caught on the wrong side when it drops.
  11. SBMF 2015

    Daily Chuckle

  12. SBMF 2015

    Birth control for heifer?

    Melengestrol acetate (MGA) is a progestin-based feed additive that suppresses estrus (heat) in beef heifers and is used in estrus synchronization programs.
  13. SBMF 2015

    Dehorning questions

    Are you giving CDT when you dehorn with a band ? You’ve really got me thinking I want to try it on a 800 lb Hereford str.
  14. SBMF 2015

    Dehorning questions

    That’s why I suggested a reciprocating saw. I used to use saw wire but it’s a workout. Sawzall is pretty quick.
  15. SBMF 2015

    Are these still considered "cage free" chickens?!!

    Can you imagine a dog chasing that? 😅
  16. SBMF 2015

    Post a random picture

    They got nothing to complain about.
  17. SBMF 2015

    Dehorning questions

    Pictures? I wouldn’t do a full dehorn on mature cows. Tie a piece of inter tube as tight as you can around the base of their horns around their poll. Use a reciprocating saw, OB saw wire, or a hacksaw and cut them off about ear length. Take the inter tube off the next day.
  18. SBMF 2015

    What are the going lease rates for pasture?

    This is just in our area; good grass, good water, good fences- up to $100/cow
  19. SBMF 2015

    Rat tails

    They’re thick. I’d feed out both. Not sure if she would pass it on but I wouldn’t keep her to find out.
  20. SBMF 2015

    Close to $2.00 killer bulls

    Had a good talk with my fat cattle buyer last week. He said guys that bought high dollar yearlings last year are losing their butt on $1.80 fats. Cheap corn and no profit is encouraging feed lots to hang on to fat cattle longer than they should. He said at a sale earlier in the week someone...