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  1. Ky hills

    Crazy things can happen

    I run a hundred ft hose from the house to water cattle out back and chickens down in the side of the yard. Since weather got warm a lot of times I just leave it hooked up and laying out with the open end down by the chicken coop. The other evening I noticed the pressure seemed off, we typically...
  2. Ky hills

    Crazy things can happen

    Soon as I get it flushed out of get froggy enough to cut a couple feet off the end of the hose I’ll try to get a picture.😂
  3. Ky hills

    Crazy things can happen

    Anybody ever have a snake crawl up into the end of a garden hose and get stuck?
  4. Ky hills


    Happy Anniversary!
  5. Ky hills

    Food Poisoning

    I’ve heard people call eggs cackle berries or hen fruit. I adopted the term hen fruit, and call them that a lot.
  6. Ky hills

    Food Poisoning

    Yeah it’s the same thing just that folks in my parents and grandparents generations called them dressed as it sounded better for church folks to say.
  7. Ky hills

    Food Poisoning

    Hope you get better soon. That's rough I've had a few bouts of it over the years. The worst time was when I got some bad apple cider from an area orchard. It wasn't pasteurized and the refrigerator they had it in went down. I knew as soon as I tasted it that it wasn't good and it didn't take but...
  8. Ky hills

    Old fashioned off grid incubator

    Currently I've got 3 Buff Orpington roosters I carry a stick with me in the chicken lot as an RDD ( rooster deterrent device). I gather eggs twice a day if there's a hen in a nest box I just let it go and get those eggs later in the day. If one is trying to set then I'll pull her out of nest...
  9. Ky hills

    Old fashioned off grid incubator

    Actually that one isn’t bad, I’ve got another a Buff Orpington setting due to hatch in 3-4 days, she is the worst one I’ve ever dealt with she will flat out eat you up if you mess around her.
  10. Ky hills

    Old fashioned off grid incubator

    Set 15 eggs under a broody New Hampshire hen. Yesterday 13 out 15 hatched.
  11. Ky hills


    Several years ago my cousin had a horse to fall through an old cistern when the top fell in. We had a mess with our septic tank too, we have a basement and the tank is buried very deep down and I guess under the weight of all the dirt on top the concrete tops were breaking caving in. Finally...
  12. Ky hills


    I'm too paranoid for that, I just try avoid the folks that bother me. When our rent house burned we had man with an excavator to finish tearing it down and clean up the area. He found an old well under back porch that had been built over it. He asked if we had anybody we didn’t like before he...
  13. Ky hills


    Yeah, holes like the drill hole you mentioned and sone of these sink holes are dangerous for sure. My wife thinks I need a tracking device on my phone. The sinkholes are a fact of life here. When I was was a small child and my parents bought stocker calves instead of running cows and calves...
  14. Ky hills


    Maybe, we are about 150 some miles east of there though. Here is the biggest sinkhole we have. This picture was taken last fall, it’s filled in a little and kind of grassed over some on the sides and part of the base by now as it’s been there for 6-7 years. We fenced it off, and had to redo the...
  15. Ky hills


    yes, it's still active but over the years it seems to have shifted course and the basin must have changed because at some point we couldn't get as much water out of it. On down the holler below it, water started coming out of the ground where small pond used to be. It for a while we had a nice...
  16. Ky hills


    Yes, there are several spring fed ponds and one place where we used to could pump water out of an underground ground spring to water cattle. I’ll have to try the tire, we’ve filled in several holes with field rocks and dirt. Got one that’s probably 7-8 foot diameter and 8-10 ft deep. We put a...
  17. Ky hills


    Our place has several sinkholes and more drop out all the time. I’ve found several the hard way with trucks and tractors over the years. A few days ago I was walking down in a holler checking on some pairs we’d sorted earlier. All of a sudden I take a step and both feet go down a hole. I went...
  18. Ky hills

    T-post one, me zero

    Hate that happened to you, hope it heals up fast. I’ve got a couple homemade iron post drivers made out of pipe with cap welded on the ends. One is probably 3 ft long or a little more and big around enough to go over the t post with out much play. No handles on it. Always have to be careful when...
  19. Ky hills

    My rant for the day

    That's a lot of what I was trying to say, there is work to be done on all of them, and parts availability and dealership competency is a major factor. Our closest New Holland/Massey Ferguson dealer is a cesspool. The nearest Kubota dealer looks to be in disarray. The John Deere dealer seems to...
  20. Ky hills

    My rant for the day

    I’ll agree with that assessment, and I’ve always thought that way about the Hohn Deeres too, but it was the best option out of a field of no so good ones. If the Kubota dealer had of had anything at the time we were looking they would have been a serious consideration, as I’ve heard mostly...