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  1. TCRanch

    Crippled bull

    Definitely still has game but I can see the uneven gait.
  2. TCRanch

    Excellent video of hardware in a cow. Caution to those who are squeamish.

    Couldn't watch without signing into some age restriction (that ship has sailed!). But hardware is why all my cows, bulls and retained heifers get a magnet. That said, I've still lost a few to "hardware", thanks to booze cruisers that toss their beer bottles in my pastures, a sharp piece of...
  3. TCRanch

    Down. And out!

    No burger. Without her standing (that I know of), getting her out will be in the bucket of the track loader and subsequently to the "graveyard".
  4. TCRanch

    Down. And out!

    I wish. Showed the "dog sitting" pic to my vet yesterday and the cringe on her face spoke volumes, even before she said that's not good. But if she still has the will to fight and live, I'll fight right along with her. Within reason. I'm up for hauling water, cubes, hay and scooping out poop...
  5. TCRanch

    Crippled bull

    Oh dang, that sucks! Yes, it's possible with confinement and a lot of TLC for SOME of them to recover, but is that the logical thing to do? In my case, no. I had to sell an awesome 3-year-old bull that stifled, so I feel your pain. My cow is still eating, drinking, moving, alert. But still...
  6. TCRanch

    Down. And out!

    That doesn't sound good. And she's the one that ripped off a good portion of her tail a few years ago when it got wrapped around a tree (four times!), so there's already damage. I haven't noticed whether she's been flicking it around, mainly because I keep her bedded down in a lot of hay and I...
  7. TCRanch

    Crippled bull

    Dang the run of bad luck! Hopefully it's not stifled. Keep us posted.
  8. TCRanch

    Down. And out!

    Discovered she's missing a nice chunk of skin this morning. Not sure what happened there but I'm assuming trying to get up & falling. And she had raging diarrhea. Well, I did give her alfalfa yesterday and that was probably too much of a good thing. Switched back over to brome and it wasn't...
  9. TCRanch

    Down. And out!

    A cow with a broken leg is never good. But, contingent on the placement & severity, calves can heal amazingly well with nothing but a good mama and benign neglect. I have one this year that presumably got stepped on and was broken at/around the knee. She wasn't even a week old, and I wondered...
  10. TCRanch

    Down. And out!

    Only other down cow I had from a breeding injury was probably 12 years ago and it didn't turn out well. We did lift her, and I regret that. I did have first calf heifer down for about 3 days but all I did was supportive therapy. Even with shade from the tarps and another dose of Banamine...
  11. TCRanch

    Down. And out!

    8 day withdrawal for Banamine Transdermal, 7 days for Dex. We had one slaughtered years ago before the Banamine withdrawal for our own consumption. Big, fat cow, tasted great and dang, that kink in my back went away after every burger.;)
  12. TCRanch

    Down. And out!

    Thanks, Ken. Can you tell if she has an underbite? Cuz maybe that's part of the problem.;)😁
  13. TCRanch

    Down. And out!

    Not good. Found this girl all splayed out Thursday morning. Looking at my notes, I'm pretty sure it was a breeding injury because last I saw, the bulls were following her, but she wasn't in standing heat. Started with Banamine Transdermal and did eventually give her Dex but my vet said stick...
  14. TCRanch

    Recommended weaned vaccines?

    Talk to your vet to find out what is recommended specifically for your area. A lot of producers don't vaccinate for pinkeye because it's not really a problem. And they'll help you figure out if a mod live or killed vaccine would be better for your operation. Also, a lot of the vaccines I...
  15. TCRanch

    Clipping pastures

    Geography is everything. Clipping most of the pastures here is not possible. Hilly, uneven, rocky terrain and attempting to clip is a sure way to destroy the blades on a brush hog, spark a fire, or both. That said, we do brush hog the flat areas in the barn pasture and where we keep the bale...
  16. TCRanch

    Foot rot

    I believe Newport Labs is who my vet goes through to get an autogenous pinkeye vaccine. The one I currently use protects against Moxarella Bovis, Moxarella Bovoculi and Mycoplasma Bovis. This area of KS was hit hard with pinkeye a few years ago, before they added Mycoplasma Bovis. Most...
  17. TCRanch

    Foot rot

    My vet does the annual "farm visit" when she's out to BANGS/pelvic measure my heifers, which basically consists of clarifying how many head/pairs. But we have a long-standing relationship with our vet, so she doesn't need to literally go through the herd. I get the original VFD and my vet...
  18. TCRanch

    Foot rot

    Not intended for foot rot but mineral with CTC helps. If you live in an area that has a lot of ticks, your vet can write you a RX to help guard against anaplasmosis.
  19. TCRanch

    Asking for a friend…….

    Asked about Lute on a steer a while back and Buck said no.
  20. TCRanch


    Mycoplasma? I had it in a steer last year but only one leg was a little swollen and arthritic.