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  1. C

    First time haying

    OP didn't say they had a tedder..... I have a love/hate relationship with the tedder. I try to make as much hay as possible without it to save on fuel and labor, but when it's needed it's the best tool around.
  2. C

    red clover

    Run the tedder thru it again and again until the stems are dry. Clover is deceiving it can seem dry but the stems still have enough moisture to mold and heat.
  3. C

    Still too wet

    Still a couple weeks away from hay making UP here. But we went from early drought to standing water in the fields. To wet to ride a 4 wheeler in the fields let alone any sort of equipment. But the heavy frost the last few nights has got rid of some of the excess moisture just in time for a few...
  4. C

    Grass hay drying time with disc mower

    Around here with a conditioner 3-4 days. If I mow with my straight disc mower it adds at least 1 day and sometimes 2.
  5. C

    Hay cutting time !

    I run acid on my baler. Wondering thing when you can't get the hay all the way dry.
  6. C

    Hay cutting time !

    I've said it a million times I hate baling clover. Really the only way to do it is to wrap the bales. Clover can be tedded and flipped everyday for 2 weeks around here and still be 30+% moisture and turn into a slimey moldy mess.
  7. C

    Hay cutting time !

    We bale hay all the time with temps in the 50s, 60s, and 70s. Low relative humidity and wind can dry things out even at lower temps.
  8. C

    Clover Galore

    You guys must have much drier climates than around here. Thick clover takes 5-7 days of steady tedding to have any chance at being dry hay around here (and i havent had a 5 day weather window in at least 10 years haha). Even when it feels dry it's still usually well over 20% and molds in a few...
  9. C

    First time haying

    If the bottom is still green then flip it over again and get it to dry. Putting up damp hay that is going to mold is a very costly endeavor.
  10. C

    First time haying

    Looks like there's a bit of un-raked hay at the bottom of that windrow. If so be careful I'll bet it's awfully green.
  11. C

    Clover Galore

    Fence charger isn't hot enough. Haha. Things are turning green here. Be grazing before June this year it looks like.
  12. C

    Clover Galore

    Clover in my pastures is great. Clover in my hay fields is miserable. Around here by the time the Clover is dry enough to bale the grass and trefoil in the field is so dry it disintegrates into a cloud of dust out the back of the baler.
  13. C

    Irrigation water.

    Still in a D2 severe drought according to the USDA map which is unheard of for April and May UP here. But when your average snowfall is 175" and you only get 47" during the winter you are headed for trouble.
  14. C

    need a driving dog

    I agree unless you need the dog all the time they will typically be more of a hinderance than a help.
  15. C


    Snowed here this morning. Only about 2" so not much liquid in it. Very dry otherwise.
  16. C

    lets talk second cut hay

    Not saying it can't happen but that would have to be some kind of poor hay. There was a guy around here that often made 1st cut hay in October and November often with snow flying. His cows always survived our harsh winter and he had reasonable breeding success given his conditions. Never once...
  17. C

    Turned out today.

    We get a lot of wind here too comes across 80+ miles of open water or ice and practically the first thing it hits is my front door. The wind blows our snow around too but when it's typically 4-6' deep it typically never blows it to bare ground. Just blows some spots to 1' and others to 12'.
  18. C

    Turned out today.

    Learn something everyday. Wouldn't have guessed that you could graze all year in Wyoming. Now I know. This is such an anomaly of a year we could have grazed all but a couple of weeks so far. But in all my other years I've never grazed past Christmas time, so I've never had a thought of having...
  19. C

    Turned out today.

    Interesting. Being in Wyoming I just assumed you got enough snow cover to make grazing this time of year impossible.
  20. C

    Turned out today.

    A good chunk of our yearly precip comes from our 180" of average snowfall. Being right on the largest body of freshwater we also get our fair share of rain and humidity to get us thru the growing season. But our ground water comes from the slow melting snow.