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  1. D

    Daily Chuckle

    Not real funny. Sent a couple people to the hospital. I dislocated my right elbow 51 years ago today at that rodeo. It has grown considerably and the entire set up up graded from what I remember it being back then.
  2. D

    Post your Best Cheapskate Stories Here!

    Rodeo cowboys are famous for being broke all the time. But you still had to eat. Some of the dine and dash stories are really creative. If you were sitting at a table with a group of them and one at a time they got up and went to the men's room and never came. You best get up and pay your...
  3. D

    Life Choices

    I can think of many choices I made which altered the way life has gone. But quitting college to make my fame and fortune riding bucking horses was the first one that came to mind. You will notice how rich and famous I am. Had to Edit. The wife said dinner was ready in the middle of writing...
  4. D


    I have 7 springs on my place. It is amazing how many springs there are out here in the desert. Five of them have been developed to supply stock water up in the hills, most but not all feed a water trough. One has been developed to supply water to the house. That first picture is a hole that...
  5. D

    Daily Chuckle

    I knew two men who died of heart attacks after getting the shot. One died the next day. The other less than a week later. Both in their early 60's. Strong active men. Made my decision to not get the shot a lot easier.
  6. D

    Post a random thought

    I saw a bumper sticker in the parking lot at the grocery store. It said, "All lives splatter" Then a drawing of a pickup driving over someone with a protest sign. At the bottom it said, "we don't care about your protest".
  7. D

    Post a random picture

    Not 100% but many of them and all the big ones.
  8. D

    What have you done lately that made you question your intelligence?

    Well I am not at Evel Knievel's level but not too far behind. I have long ago lost count but stitches something like 15 times.
  9. D

    What have you done lately that made you question your intelligence?

    That discussion about tattoos and scars got me thinking. All the scars I have, none which beer was involved. None recently. But just maybe some time back my intelligence should have been questioned.
  10. D

    Post a random picture

    True but there are certainly a lot tattoos which happened after a few too many beers. I have plenty of scars and there was no beer involved in any of them.
  11. D

    Post a random picture

    Scars are like tattoos but with better stories. I have lots of stories.
  12. D


    Yes we have satellite internet and wifi. But we only have an old flip phone that we take with when traveling. I am simply not worried about it. I feel no need to be connected with the rest of the world 24/7.
  13. D


    It seems there are a number of things which use group texts. Our trouble is cell phones don't work at our house so we don't get text messages. People will say well I sent out a message. That is nice. There is a land line with an answering machine. Try calling.
  14. D

    Summer weather predictions

    A couple neighbors and I have a saying. Clean cars are over rated. Our road is either mud or dust. Not enough mud to get stuck but sure enough to make the pickup a mess every time I go out the driveway. There are some roads around here that you just don't go on if it has rained. I should...
  15. D

    If you live in Northern USA, the Aurora Borealis will be visible next 2 nights.

    I worked in Alaska for 6 years so I have seen them a lot. That was over 40 years ago. But I had no idea they were out here last night. Neighbor took some pretty good pictures of them.
  16. D


    When there is something like walking water down the ditch where every rancher in the valley shows up it looks like a Honda Rancher convention. About half of them also own a side by side. But when it comes irrigation time the sxs gets parked and the ATV is used. And everyone uses Honda.
  17. D

    Post a random picture

    It is in the low 20's and pretty frosty this morning. The tulips in the flower bed don't think much of this weather.
  18. D

    Too close for comfort.

    "Too close for comfort". You want to work cows and be comfortable at the same time? How does that ever happen?
  19. D

    Post a random picture

    Several years back I escaped to take a vacation/road trip. Somewhere east of Hoback Junction there was a leggy, brownish Limo cross looking cow standing along the road. Some tourist with east coast plates parked there taking her picture.
  20. D

    Did ya ever sell a place then go back and look at it a few years later and think...

    My neighborhood has stayed the same for well over 100 years. About 5 miles away in "town" there are some 100 year old places that haven't been occupied in 50 + years. Just little old board houses that look the part. People driving by on the freeway look at that and keep driving which is fine...