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  1. puzzled in oregon

    Craigslist cattle

    If it just wasn't so darned far away :cool:
  2. puzzled in oregon

    Craigslist cattle
  3. puzzled in oregon

    Daily Chuckle

    It's not unusual for some of us to stray off topic occasionally. Now back to the program "Daily Chuckle"
  4. puzzled in oregon

    Check out this AI video. crazy

    Will Vic need a SS#, DOB, References, Wage dependent on experience 🤖
  5. puzzled in oregon

    Daily Chuckle

    Have heard there are three sides to a story, one of them is the truth.
  6. puzzled in oregon

    Daily Chuckle

  7. puzzled in oregon

    Check out this AI video. crazy

    When in first grade I did not believe some of what they said or was in print. There was more to first grade than "Jump, Jip, Jump". It was the beginning of our "indoctrination".
  8. puzzled in oregon

    Check out this AI video. crazy

    Man is not perfect; therefore Computers/AI will never be perfect. Just as some people have become more and more dependent on our government and allowed the government to do more and more for/to them, so have they become more and more dependent on the world of Computers/AI. Once all this is set...
  9. puzzled in oregon

    Post a random picture

    Sooo, yah wanna be a Steer Wrestler !
  10. puzzled in oregon

    Craigslist cattle

    Do you think that Buffalo bull is "Homozygous White"
  11. puzzled in oregon

    Poll May '24 Photo Contest, Milk Faced Calves

    Maybe next month Murray. In the meantime you better keep her off the roof.
  12. puzzled in oregon

    Craigslist cattle

    Hopefully there will always be isolated areas in the world where normal cattle survive.
  13. puzzled in oregon

    Bull testing

    Will the Insurance pay the full purchase price, or the difference between purchase price and hamburger price ? :unsure: It is perfectly okay to ignore my question :)
  14. puzzled in oregon

    Bull testing

    There was a black bull in a couple of your pictures, that looked like a very solid built guy. Hope he passed okey.
  15. puzzled in oregon

    Craigslist cattle

    E) None of the above
  16. puzzled in oregon

    Bull testing

    Do you test all your bulls every year ? If so, do some that passed the previous year fail the following year ?
  17. puzzled in oregon

    Craigslist cattle

    The one that's got a little bit of ear, ain't gonna be jumpin out of its pen.
  18. puzzled in oregon

    Craigslist cattle

    If you didn't put the halter on upside down the lead rope would be to short.
  19. puzzled in oregon

    Random cow and her heifer calves

    The one that went in the freezer was a chunk.