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  1. C

    Still too wet

    just now getting to mine, about 22 days late. 3"..4"... 4"... 3.5" and 10" rains have held me back.
  2. C

    Cherry tree leaves?

    last fall I just got done dozing around 10 acres.. turned the cows out in that field b/c I didn't even think about it. About 15 cows RAN, halfway across the field right to a dozed pile, and found a single cherry tree and start munching down. I only had a can of PB blaster with me so I...
  3. C

    Milking a hereford for profit?

    no, we have laws protecting us from those things. no one is losing the farm for selling Gods greatest gift for his milk drinking people, which contains the exact same enzymes, proteins, etc as our blood. The sale of raw milk was outlawed to help the rockerfellers out and destroy the farm life...
  4. C

    Milking a hereford for profit?

    depending where you are. Here in MO we still have our right to choose what we'd like to drink.
  5. C

    Where is the end?

    Most foreign countries like china put up to 800 lbs of urea per acre. I've put on 500 lb / acre and it was fine. But after lots of testing, anything over 200lb for grass hay is a waste.
  6. C

    Grass hay drying time with disc mower

    if its mostly fescue no problem at 2 days.
  7. C

    D Day

    how many did the bolsheviks murder?
  8. C

    Grass hay drying time with disc mower

    use of a tedder. good sun. 3 days.
  9. C

    D Day

    no doubt we are good at fighting. 85 million people died though.
  10. C

    Dang it, of all the luck

    wow.. they only get 7" of rain a year? we got that last night!
  11. C

    Tractor over heating

    another thing to check.. as your driving it, push the clutch.. does it come to a stop like your pushing the brakes or does it glide to a stop? It might be getting a load from the hydraulic system.. brakes sticking..... etc.
  12. C

    D Day

    Oh... you don't have to ask.. You will be educated about it.. public schools. . aipac... news... etc.. You will learn his story.. i mean.. history.. sometimes I wonder about things.. Like D day.. they started on June 6.... 6........6...... and at 6 a.m. it stared ( depending...
  13. C

    D Day

    History is written by the victors.
  14. C


    not sure how many springs I have... close to 2 dozen. here in sw mo I guess we are the only part of the USA that springs can be at the top of the hills. I have lots that flow from the top... and have lots that flow from the bottom. When it rains real good, I have a cave that will rush...
  15. C

    Cherry tree leaves?

    hopefully you never experience it. hits me hard when i've been out and lost 20k in a day.
  16. C

    Where is the end?

    or it might have something to do with funneling endless money to ukraine / isreal. and all the other programs being implemented. this non stop printing devalues our currency.
  17. C

    Where is the end?

    yes, thats all from inflation. if the cattle "cycle" goes back down to wear it was before.. that would mean we would be going negative by large margin. The same dollar in 2019 does very little today. Everything else is up, up.. and up some more. If anything does go back down, it will be by...
  18. C

    Check out this AI video. crazy

    excuse me? I have my day occupied fully for the next decade... at the minimum. I think maybe you should try to occupy your time with some understanding of whats going on in the world and not be so naive. "The great art of learning is to understand but little at a time. Understanding comes...
  19. C

    Cherry tree leaves?

    .... They need a large amount of leaves to take in a toxic dose.. . .. wrong. Yes.. Chaded.. I would be VERY worried. According to Toxic Plants of North America by Burrows and Tyrl, as little as 1.2 to 4.8 pounds of wilted black cherry leaves could constitute a lethal dose for a 1,200...
  20. C

    Cherry tree leaves?

    you've been lucky. i'd get rid of them if I were you.