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  1. D

    3/4 Ton Truck Recommendation

    The way truck prices are now you can get a Ram Cummins diesel for less than the other 2500 series gas engines. I'm not sure what makes more sense money wise.
  2. M

    A good day.

    We have gotten at least a foot of rain in the last month. Nobody can cut hay rains every other day. What is that attachment on the track hoe?
  3. CCCowman

    Ornery bull

    I was there and saw that bull. Made me want to run home and bring a couple back with me!!
  4. crossbreed

    3/4 Ton Truck Recommendation

    I’ve went from Chevy to dodge since 214. Had both the 5.7 hemi and now a 2018 6.7 Cummins. Took it empty 350 miles yesterday at 21 mpg. Bought it new, not near as fancy as the ford or Chevy but about 7k cheaper.
  5. T

    cheaters never tournament fraud

    I didn't know fish got hardware disease.
  6. L

    Pink Eye?

    Nutrition is also important, a good mineral mix can help. I have tried all the remedies over the years, shot of LA 300 in the eyelid, patches, vaccines and others. 50 years ago we threw a handful of salt in the affected eye. Control flies as best you can, mow pastures and hope for the best...
  7. Ky hills

    Pink Eye?

    I have used patches in conjunction with antibiotic treatment. The patches help to keep out light, dust and flies. I don’t always use the patches, but if I have them on hand it’s a good practice I believe. I have kept the affected animals up in a barn for a few days after treatment too instead...
  8. wobbie1775

    Pink Eye?

    So you don't do any medicine/LA? What function is the patch performing?
  9. puzzled in oregon

    Craigslist cattle

    Hopefully there will always be isolated areas in the world where normal cattle survive.
  10. ClinchValley86

    Pink Eye?

    I cover with a patch and let them go. Seems to heal up perfectly. No loss of vision nor spots. Can't tell they ever had the problem. The sun has to be aggravating.
  11. Stonewall Joe

    3/4 Ton Truck Recommendation

    I've been using nothing but Dodges for many years now. The cummins have been bulletproof. As I've drove them for quite a few years I've given them 2 my boys and they're still rolling. I've bought 3 gas Dodges as well, They have proven to be the same. Oldest farm truck is an 01 with a 318 and it...
  12. D

    Craigslist cattle

    I got to wonder. I check Craigslist occasionally. I never see these sorry looking, over priced, misrepresented cattle post around here. What is see is decent cattle that are generally priced a little above the market value. And actually very few cattle at all given the numbers of cattle...
  13. Silver

    A good day.

    Looks like you got a nice rain. Still powder dry here. Might get a little tomorrow, fingers crossed
  14. ClinchValley86

    Miserable weekend coming up

    I've got 2 needing pulled, right next to each other. I too seem to have the luck of it hitting me at 430 on a Friday. I didn't have my wisdom teeth removed when I was younger... big mistake. They've ruined my upper molars due to crowding. Had one pulled a couple years ago by the roughest...
  15. Stonewall Joe

    coffee is ready, have a cup

    I have coffee cans that go back to my grand dad, he was the king of coffee can storage and using them to hold everything. We even had one tied on the old air compressor to hold the hose ends and connections. I think it's now genetic, my boys saw him when they were real little doing that, they...
  16. Stonewall Joe

    Hello from Deep East Texas

    We had a heck of a storm, I think we must both be in the same storm path this year. Massive straight line winds came up from nothing to almost tornado strength about 630 or so, the rent house carport roof took flight and is now in the hay field, wife's chicken house was spared but a big oak tree...
  17. G

    A good day.

    In, we need more.
  18. T

    Miserable weekend coming up

    He may have left out the part where it is inserted from the other end.
  19. A

    cheaters never tournament fraud

    Funny. "Cheaters never prosper" is the biggest lie in the history of the world made up by some person who was jealous about how prosperous all the cheaters are. Only reason not to cheat is because you're living into some other higher meaning or purpose in life - that something matters more to...
  20. ClinchValley86

    5610 Hydraulics

    Nice. Might be the best option for my wallet. Thanks.