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    Longhorn bull to Hereford cows

    No articles on it because usually the longhorns are cheaper cows and you're trying to upgrade their calves with a Hereford not downgrade your Hereford cows with a Longhorn bull's calves. Generally you will have beefier calves with the pure Hereford or even better with a black Angus.
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    Make sure you use a flukacide on her. Goats are very susceptible to liver flukes. Ivomec Plus works fine on them.
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    couple of poor performing calves

    Deworm again with Valbazen orally or Ivomec Plus injectable, give a shot of Multimin and start giving them some cracked corn. This should help.
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    Bottle calf! Some say I'm crazy...

    Is it possible that Big Sexy isn't the sire? Red cow and red bull equal red calf. Maybe the calf is just very dark red?
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    Newborn calf: nursed?? Pee?

    Give him colostrum or colostrum replacer asap.
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    Production sale

    Both. I like to preview the e version but if I'm actually looking to buy I want the paper version.
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    cattle body structure/condition

    Is it a possibility to get a stool sample from one of the thin cows? Have a vet check for worms and maybe Johnes?
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    Mineral tubs

    Can you take a picture of the label? I suspect the percentage is the protein content.
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    Dog that gets car sick suggestions?

    Benedryl may help your pooch. Give it at least 20 minutes before traveling.
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    Cracked hooves

    They do make hoof filler for horse hooves. Maybe you can clean and disinfect the hooves dry and then use some of that to fill in the cracks.
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    Big foot and a dead calf

    Brown cow really looks like she has an infection in that leg. If you look close at her picture it looks like she has a split in her outer claw which probably where it started. Antibiotics and soak the foot in Epsom salt water if you can.
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    Bush Hogging a Hay Field?

    Cut and roll or even better burn it if you can. This will reduce the weed seeds left.
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    Mange Mites?

    Looks like ringworm to me? Go ahead and treat with ivermectin and get them on a good loose mineral.
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    Help!about choose a bull

    Are your cows registered? If so what's the number and breed? If not can you take pictures of them and give some insight on what you want to improve on.
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    Getting less at the sale barn

    Do you call in to consign your animals? My sales barn will only state vaccines if proof of given by a vet ( invoice) is provided.
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    Redmonds salt vs White salt

    I really prefer the loose salt as they can get what they want faster and then go back to eating but red is slightly better than white.
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    Animals or cattle chewing through solar fencer wires

    I've had cows rip out wires, chew the end of hoses and even try to eat a needle and syringe that I just set down. If they can reach it they will mess with it.
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    Early weaning

    Can you creep feed the calves for a month? 4 month olds are likely to do better plus be heavier and worth more.
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    Springing, but no bagging?

    I would deworm her again with either injectable Ivomec plus or oral Valbazen.
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    IGR & Bred Cows?

    It's safe for bred cows.