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    Craigslist cattle

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    Craigslist cattle

    Anyone else notice the sale barn sticker on the eared calf???
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    Sold Four Yesterday

    If it was me, and I had the heifers I would sell them as open. People around here will pay $200-$300 more a head for open heifers, consistently.
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    Milk Replacer with Soy Protein

    Yeah I haven't ever used it before,. I'm currently feeding raw milk to the calves. So I don't need to feed it for now. I should have looked at the ingredients closer. I think I will hold it back until I absolutely have to use it. And then on an older calf.
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    Milk Replacer with Soy Protein

    Hi All. Any experience with Calf milk replacer that is made from milk. But has soy protein...... I bought it cheap off a gal. And I missed the soy protein. .... So what are your thoughts on it?
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    Post your Best Cheapskate Stories Here!

    I was watching a show the other night called Cheapskates that had me rolling. And it made me wonder how many of you have a good story to tell??
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    Dehorning questions

    I spray the calves I get dehorned down good with, screw worm spray. I had a bad experience with blow fly's getting in where the calf had been dehorned....
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    Daily Chuckle

    And you Still married her???
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    2 month old calf drooling bubbles

    Healthy Calves generally are super slobbery. It's generally when they're Dehydrated that their mouth isn't slobbery. Just personal experience 70 bottle calves a year plus or minus that number depending on the year.
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    Rendering the fat

    When I saw the title of this post I got a flash back to when I was in Walmart and these heavy girls walked by in belly shirts. I'm FOREVER SCARRED......
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    Daily Chuckle

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    We had hoped for two.

    Also Contracted tendons are caused from the calf being cramped in utero... Super common with big calves, and they generally are back to normal in 3 days or less.
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    I'm a Previous goat owner. Never again... The only way to keep them in is a super hot electric wire around the inside top of their pen. Or train them to 3 strands of super hot electric wire,.. The baby Nigerians will fit through the squares on a hog panel and if you turn the panel upside down so...
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    She is Begging you to Eat her 😂😂
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    Craigslist cattle

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