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  1. M

    New Tractor

    Kubota. They have a 3 year bumper to bumper warranty. Never had one do me dirty and I have owned 7
  2. M

    Some fall pairs

    I guess I should have completed my thought. With broken belts you can’t sell them to beltie breeders and have to take a hit at the sale barn
  3. M

    Some fall pairs

    We used to have several, when they don’t have perfect belts and you take them to the sale barn , buyers think they are Holstein and they don’t bring much
  4. M

    Some fall pairs

    There fixed it. 😂😂
  5. M

    Some fall pairs

    Is that a beltie in that top pic?
  6. M

    Check out this AI video. crazy

    That is crazy it’s know where you are at in a minute and maps everything On the bright side maybe it could answer some plant questions that have been being asked in here and then some. That’s just wow!!
  7. M

    The best play I have seen in baseball.

    Won’t play for me
  8. M

    Be careful with those guns.....

    What’s that saying. Play stupid games win stupid prizes
  9. M

    First time haying

    Never bale green hay. It should snap when you pick up a handful and bend it, at least that how we do it in E Texas
  10. M

    Everything up and going except the peas, horrible germination.

    We are having the same problem with peas. Last year was amazing but not so much this year
  11. M

    KY banning hunting of hogs

    Yep kill 5 and 10 are born that week
  12. M

    KY banning hunting of hogs

    Kill them all!!!!
  13. M

    Pasture Pet Peeves

  14. M

    Open House at the Vet Clinic

    Looks like fun
  15. M

    Grass ID

    It’s rye grass I have 55 acres of it
  16. M

    Bull nettle

    Ya I have used dish soap for 25 years and yes it works. The real stuff is better for some things tho
  17. M

    A ways to green grass yet.

    People are already cutting hay here. In between rain showers
  18. M

    Bull nettle

    Ya a hand pump sprayer would take me months to get all the ones I have
  19. M

    Bull nettle

    I have hit them with Sahara, Round up and 24d and they just keep coming back. Wouldn’t be able to go around and pick up seed pods as there are probably 1000 of them. I have spent the better part of 3 days last year spraying them individually and they are just relentless. I will try to broadcast...
  20. M

    Bull nettle

    Also those of you that have had to deal with these, when you sprayed was it 100% kill or a high percentage kill and had to do it again if not a total kill?