Recent content by WCBR1025

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  1. W

    Cost Per Day for a Cow

    Thanks everyone for the input, I’m not new to the cattle business and know that numbers work better on paper than in the pasture. I bought my first group of cows when I graduated high school in 2009 and have slowly been building a herd. It looks like I’m going to be able to rent some more...
  2. W

    Cost Per Day for a Cow

    Thanks for the replies everyone, it looks like $1-$1.50 per day is the most common range. With that being said let me run a basic budget by y’all and you can tell me how far off I am. Say for easy math we buy 10 bred heifers that are 1.5 years old at the time of purchase. The heifers cost...
  3. W

    Cost Per Day for a Cow

    Hello all, I’m looking at purchasing some heifers to expand my operation and am currently trying to budget what a cow cost over her lifetime vs what her weaned calves will bring over her lifetime. Basically it’s a lifetime budget of a cow. So to figure the budget accurately I need to come up...
  4. W

    Feeding Holsteins on self feeder for the first time

    Well these steers will be sold for freezer beef so I’m hoping to get a premium vs selling them at market. My setup is that I have an old hog lot that is sitting unused and I figured having something in there is better than it sitting idle.
  5. W

    Feeding Holsteins on self feeder for the first time

    Hello all, I am planning on purchasing a small group of weaned Holstein steers and feeding them to finish. I was planning on feeding them calf started in a self feeder in the beginning and slowly transitioning over to shelled corn with a protein source mixed in. They will be in a small lot and...
  6. W

    Getting started Backgrounding

    Thanks for all the replies folks, I’ll take all this good information into consideration as I go forward with my cattle operation.
  7. W

    Salmonella in Chicken Litter

    What probably really happened is Joe gave his crew a sample of his "Danger Will Robinson" jerky, they all got sick and he blamed on the chicken litter. I had to have my stomach pumped after I ate the sample he sent me. I'll remember to stay away from any jerky when I'm in South Georgia ;)
  8. W

    Salmonella in Chicken Litter

    I’ve hauled and spread thousands of tons of litter and never heard of this happening, I don’t know if an immunity to salmonella can be built up or not. I know I’ve breathed the dust and probably ingested it a time or two, maybe I’m just lucky but I’ll start being a bit more careful after hearing...
  9. W

    Vaccines required for a Feeder Sale

    Thanks for the information I’m much obliged to you!
  10. W

    Vaccines required for a Feeder Sale

    Very simple: Bovi-Shield Gold One Shot That includes your 5 MLV respiratory viruses plus Mannheimia (Pasteurella). Also known as: Pasteurella haemolytica; Mannheimia haemolytica. Mannheimia is the genus that has replaced Pasteurella. Ultrabac 7/Somubac 7 way That includes the blackleg...
  11. W

    Vaccines required for a Feeder Sale

    Hello all, I have a few steers I bought about 2 months ago, I gave them a tetanus shot when they were banded and they’ve been on good hay and supplemental feed since I received them. They weigh between 5-600lbs My question is that I was planning on selling them at a feeder calf sale in March...
  12. W

    Getting started Backgrounding

    Thanks for the input, as far as feed goes beside what I already produce there is a plant within 10 miles of my farm that has a large constant supply of wet corn gluten. I’d like to try the corn gluten as I have access to a dump truck for hauling but I’m afraid it would spoil much quicker than I...
  13. W

    Getting started Backgrounding

    Hello all, I’ve decided to go a different direction with my small cattle operation and would like all yall’s thoughts on my initial plan, I have messed with some cows for awhile now but I think backgrounding steers would better suit me because of the flexibility. My plan is to buy 400-500lb bull...