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  1. W

    Cow wont get up

    :cry: Well lost calf today farmer said just a little bit to prem so sad looks like mum wont make it either I can thank you guys enough for the concerm thankyou Ann :(
  2. W

    Cow wont get up

    I would say those are the things lots of them ..thanks Dee thanks Dun weird place inside a cow if you dont know what to feel for . We were told to make sure as got as much gunk possible but not the nobbley things Is this correct ?Also to get a tablet from the vet that you insert and it foams...
  3. W

    Cow wont get up

    OK I got help !!! I found a dairy farmer not far away he came over and got her he is going to take her home just make sure shes drinking ok as she is a little frail he said she looks good and should be ok will bring her back when shes feeding ok I guess he has a cow for colostrum dont know how...
  4. W

    Cow wont get up

    HELP HELP HELP!!! LOOKS LIKE IM A MUM for a while We spend hours with the cow today she delivered her calf. I have taken her home as Bob isnt there to care for her all day .. Hope the mum survives the night, lucky its not cold here but she doesnt look to good at all sad to see a beast thats...
  5. W

    Cow wont get up

    Hello Medic 24 Well not to much to report this morning she is looking a little better I’m told She has had a good 500ml of glucose and 500ml of calcium Also cortisone injection in the rear section? Along with the hormone injection … I hope mum and bub are both ok .. I live on the Gold Coast...
  6. W

    Cow wont get up

    Well I can not Thank everyone enough for the help and advice given He got hold of a vet today that at least had some knowledge on the subject They have put her on a drip to induce her will let you all know the out come , The possible explanation given was toxaemia fingers crossed that’s it. He...
  7. W

    Cow wont get up

    Thankyou for the replys. No she hasnt been up at all . He has informed me that she is due in about a week. He has been moving her around to try get her mobile. Rolling her over to move her legs out from under her Will lift her with the tractor today see what happens. He has tried a few vets in...
  8. W

    Cow wont get up

    Hi I am new at this asking a question for a friend his cow is in calf and at the moment she is down on all fours head up still eating drinking everything else is working ok She just cant get up if she is rolled on to her side breathing is a little laboured and she cant raise her body at all ...