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  1. T

    Calf can't keep it's balance - nothing like we've ever seen.

    Hi hillsdown Thanks for responding. No we didn't iodine the naval, quite frankly I didn't know anything about doing that before you mentioned it. Unfortunately I think you are probably right, we've been discussing the same issue about it growing and not being able to hold it's own weight as...
  2. T

    Calf can't keep it's balance - nothing like we've ever seen.

    Hi and thanks for responding! @ dun - yes the calf's head is shaped normally, it's quite a beautiful little gal actually. @ upfrombottom - hmm interesting although we didn't notice anything unusual of the mothers bag .. no swelling or reddening etc. Momma cow is partially dried up now as the...
  3. T

    Calf can't keep it's balance - nothing like we've ever seen.

    I don't know how to word this very well ... although we've had cows on the farm all our lives (55 years) we -nor any of the farmers around us - have ever seen anything like this. One of our pregnant cows had a strange bellow so we knew something was wrong. We went looking to see if she'd had...