Recent content by pleasantpasturesbeef

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  1. pleasantpasturesbeef

    My new baby, Molly

    @farmerjan I had used heat shots one year, but I never did see her in heat. What would the time window look like after giving the shot that she could come into heat from the shot? I kind of like to stay away from the shots and artificial stuff, but I'm not totally opposed to giving heat shots. I...
  2. pleasantpasturesbeef

    My new baby, Molly

    Somehow I missed the part of the story where she ran away and got bred. Just read over that tonight.😆 Actually makes me jealous, cause I had calves getting out, but they were goin over to the horse farm across the street. Meanwhile I’ve been tryin to catch my mama’s coming in to heat, but I’m...
  3. pleasantpasturesbeef

    Daily Chuckle

  4. pleasantpasturesbeef

    what cattle do not like?

    That’s probably cheaper than buying a small dog, but a small dog might help too🤷‍♀️😉
  5. pleasantpasturesbeef

    Show me your herd!

    Hm, really good to know! So I basically need to keep her working. Lord willing I'm supposed to get my fence put up at my place the last week of October, so that gives me one month to observer before it's time to breed her again!
  6. pleasantpasturesbeef

    Show me your herd!

    I'm not sure when she started having calves. I think she had already had 1 or 2 calves before I bought her from my show friend. I've tried to keep her having a calf every 12 months, but I wasn't able to get her bred back until November last year instead of June, because I don't live where she...
  7. pleasantpasturesbeef

    Show me your herd!

    I'm always afraid that she's gonna give me a high birth weight calf and have birth problems, but she drops these babies like nothing. We can never catch her in calving since she goes to the far end of the pasture, and next thing we know we see her with a little calf.🤷‍♀️
  8. pleasantpasturesbeef

    Show me your herd!

    You know, it's so funny, cause a lot of people who see her comment that she's a bit fat, and I agree. All summer I've been lamenting that she's been on some pretty rough pasture, lots of weeds and very little rain. The past month or so she and 3 other cows have been sharing a 1 or 2 acre...
  9. pleasantpasturesbeef

    Hi :D

    Lol, love that
  10. pleasantpasturesbeef

    Show me your herd!

    Thankful for a beautiful and healthy heifer from my favorite cow this past week. 😀 She gets to stay on the farm since she's not a bull.
  11. 2022_08 Pleasant Photography by Naomi Parfitt-Omi and cows-1-2.jpg

    2022_08 Pleasant Photography by Naomi Parfitt-Omi and cows-1-2.jpg

  12. 2022_08 Pleasant Photography by Naomi Parfitt-Omi and cows-2-2.jpg

    2022_08 Pleasant Photography by Naomi Parfitt-Omi and cows-2-2.jpg

  13. pleasantpasturesbeef

    Hi :D

    All of the Jersey steers we've had have been big babies--Super sweet and gentle. Never had a female, tho. Ours were bottle-fed, tho, which most likely equates as to why they were so friendly and easy to work with. If they acted up, a good smack on the nose usually put them in their place lol
  14. pleasantpasturesbeef

    Hi :D

    Welcome! I’m intrigued that you have a miniature Hereford, because my sister would get a miniature Jersey, but they are so expensive and there’s a huge waiting list. I’m curious if that’s the same for miniature beef breeds like Hereford as well. How did you acquire your cute little heifer? We...
  15. pleasantpasturesbeef

    Ok, which one of you is this?

    I love this!😂 This would totally be my family back in the day lol. Only we'd have 2 little tractors going since there's plenty of us kids to go around, plus 3 of the boys would be tinkering with a third one that was broken down half the time lol. Lemme guess, they're homeschooled with plenty of...