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  1. Ozhorse

    Weight loss in a 9mo calf-how much can come off in a hurry without feed and water?

    The dispute is about the fact he witheld the inital weights for 12 weeks until the calves were leaving, including avoiding me on the phone for 6 weeks. The final weights looked to me like the initial weights should have been (but low). The initial weights for 8 mo angus calves were claimed by...
  2. Ozhorse

    Weight loss in a 9mo calf-how much can come off in a hurry without feed and water?

    I am not experienced with this sort of thing. So, yes, plenty of blame on my part. Thanks for the tip about the weigh bridge. I suppose my question is can calves loose 60 to 70 kg in a few weeks? I guess the answer is yes.
  3. Ozhorse

    Weight loss in a 9mo calf-how much can come off in a hurry without feed and water?

    He had the calves three months. Because of a whole set of circumstances; I didnt get the initital weights until after the final weights were done 10 weeks later. I dont believe the initial weights. I think they were made up. On the other had he sounds like he believes himself. He says he...
  4. Ozhorse

    Weight loss in a 9mo calf-how much can come off in a hurry without feed and water?

    I have a dispute going on over agistment for calves that are about 9 mo. Im supposed to pay for weight gain, but never got the initial weights until after the finals were provided for one reason and another (not to go into boring details). It has just occured to me that if calves were taken...
  5. Ozhorse

    Anyone w/ experience w/ frozen hooves on valuable calves?

    Thanks for keeping us posted, it is very interesting tracking your progress with Begonia.
  6. Ozhorse

    Anyone w/ experience w/ frozen hooves on valuable calves?

    Congratulations, nice to hear a good news story!
  7. Ozhorse

    Anyone w/ experience w/ frozen hooves on valuable calves?

    Oh, I am glad to hear that all your efforts and those of those who have been working with you will keep going and hopefully re-pay in more calves down the track.
  8. Ozhorse

    Anyone w/ experience w/ frozen hooves on valuable calves?

    She is a nice looking animal, thanks for the photos.
  9. Ozhorse

    Anyone w/ experience w/ frozen hooves on valuable calves?

    Wow, you have been very dedicated. A very high tech way of producing cattle! Do keep us posted on how the embryo transplant goes. I am sure the whole exercise is very interesting, cheque book wise.
  10. Ozhorse

    Anyone w/ experience w/ frozen hooves on valuable calves?

    Congratulations! Glad you have got some of what you had planned. How is the girl going herself? Is she still coping with the prosthesis ?
  11. Ozhorse

    DNA, RNA, etc and some theories

    From what I remember of genetics at uni, what you remember is right. Add to this the egg also contributes ribosomes which control the production of proteins and telemeres which control formation of the genetic material out of the blob that is the yolk into the distinct bodies that are the...
  12. Ozhorse


    I would like to hear your thoughts on big calves, the good points and the bad, as well as on small calves. I am going to a bull sale today and I see that some lines of bulls are going for super small birthweights with supposed big mature weights. These bulls are likely to go for big $. I am...
  13. Ozhorse

    Interesting reaction to dead heifer

    To follow the thread a little off topic with the last post, I have found that the cows like to be kept with their "sisters", the cows they grew up with from calves and were weaned with. I find that in a big paddock, if I put in two "sister" groups, and if the cows are in more than one group...
  14. Ozhorse

    How accurate should I expect ultrasound to be?

    As far as aging, if the cows are 120 days or less I would expect the aging to be off by no more than 10-15 days. 30 days is too much. Now if they are over 120, it gets difficult because a lot of the time the head has dropped too far, or grown too large to measure and it's hard to find any other...
  15. Ozhorse

    How accurate should I expect ultrasound to be?

    Just for interest I calculated the average between the estimated vs the actual date of the 30 that have calved so far. The average number of days earlier than estimated came in at about 26 days with only 4 on time or early and the majority of the rest about 3 weeks early, but 8 of them 40 to 56...