Recent content by masteradeen2000

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  1. M

    how does a guy go about getting more grass

    craigslist at times gets responses, some realistic, some not at all.
  2. M

    Planting in front of Isaac

    Where can one get the Cosaque black oats?
  3. M

    Warm season forage west ky

    If your a patient man Eastern Gamagrass
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    Sizmic, Are those black oats you are using as winter oats?
  5. M

    johnson grass ... sequence=1 ... sequence=1 Maybe needs a look again. Only green thing in southwest MO
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    Warm season legumes.

    Has anyone mixed(succesfully or otherwise) annual lespedeza with the Red river crabgrass? Was wondering which one is more competitive. Tried several different combos of legume/grasses this summer including cowpeas/bmr ss, laredo haybeans/pearl millet or bmr ss and cowpeas/laredo/ bmr ss and...