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  1. F

    cow wants coffee grounds

    remember paste????
  2. F

    A calf name or two please?

    dont know either breed very well what kind of personalaity do they have?? I named my herford angus cross TANK because he lived through a lot in his first four says
  3. F

    P.S. from new beginner

    how bout culled???? I think i know what it means but i want to be sure
  4. F

    cow wants coffee grounds

    just a couple of times sprinkling it on his food and hes eating it better... he also like the hay i put out for him hes startin to fill out better not looking so weakly and thin so i'm not worried baout the coffee anymore just wonderin if anyone else has had a cow like coffee? :cboy:
  5. F

    cow wants coffee grounds

    foldgers ha ha its all hes had maybe ill bring him starbucks
  6. F

    cow wants coffee grounds

    the coffee is decaf so i'm not so worried about the caffenine levels but i'm looking into other minerals he need and may not be getting..... he has calf manna and sweet feed out for him along with grass and alfalfa hay so i'm imagining he has about everything any cow COULD have but thats just...
  7. F

    cow wants coffee grounds

    hi guys... my calf is much better these days however i'm havin a real hard time getting him to eat calf manna grass or hay.... he will eat it just very small amounts and with the was he was sick in the past i dont want to wean him from milk in any hurry just to make him eat... i have found...
  8. F

    3 acre lake... horrible algae problem suggestions?

    ok that sound creepy cuz i dont like crawdads... but where exactaly would i come up with that many of them >>>
  9. F

    3 acre lake... horrible algae problem suggestions?

    the windmill thing and areation was something i've never thought and i'm a geology major at that ok widnmills aren't common around here how do they work.. and how difficuult would it be to get started
  10. F

    3 acre lake... horrible algae problem suggestions?

    we have grass carp they do good eating the grass we do copper sulfate every year it works for a little while then it all comes back im still very intereseted to know what the hay/straw will do for the lake... i would think it just holds the moss down???
  11. F

    3 acre lake... horrible algae problem suggestions?

    :help: Our lake is completly covered with algae.. we have trried about everything we can think of worked with co-op to get stuff to work... nothing is woreking to well.... we have heard that barley hay helps??? i haven't been able to find any at all around here and what does the hay...
  12. F

    Want to Raise Bottle Calves

    raising bottle babies is a very difficult task... it takes a lot out a person...ies out of thier wallet out of there freetime... out of there work time.... out of there stress freetime... its a lot of work, especially when it is touch and go with so many of them you dont know if they are...
  13. F

    sucking problem

    my boy has been down twice since hes been born, so the only thing i can say is personal experience recently WE had to force feed him for a couple of days and what you are describing is exactally how mine started.. get him eating somehow and get a hold of a vet to get you something... nuflor...
  14. F


    great now just by reading this i have chiggers crawlin on me i feel em Its bad to its what my family calls chiggeritis only way i been able to not get them is to not have gaps in clothing openings and use lots of bug spray... have y'all heard of the clothing spray repel permanone its is...
  15. F

    Cattle Ponds

    we havea lakes here with our cows.. can't say that any of them have ever fallen in during ice weather.. however keep clear of erosion cliffs... we have lost quite a few calves from the momma having them to close to the water