Recent content by deVault Farms

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  1. D


    :roll: It has been 2 days now since I vaccinated my two remaining calves and started them on high dose of antibiotics and I is well at this POINT !!!! I am very pleased since I was losing a calf a day. Both seem to be doing well, eating etc. Wow what a learning experience this has been. I owe a...
  2. D


    I have had a total of 3 calves die now 2 were about 8 months old and one was just about 4 months old and still nursing. I have two remaining calves. I adminstered vaccinations to them both today. And after talking to the vet also gave them both a high dose of antibiotic at her recommendation...
  3. D


    I understand that prevention is essential with regards to this matter I am new at this and am learning as fast as I am able. I purchased my vaccinations yesterday after I buried the first calve. I did take the calve to the local agriculture center to get biopsy and blood to determine what killed...
  4. D


    Is there any antibiotic that can be adminstered to a calf after it may have contracted blackleg. We have had 3 calves die in the last week. Please let me know