Recent content by Cascade

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  1. C

    Keep or cut???

    I'm just trying to learn a little here... Anyone have some thoughts about the high tail-set? Is this a concern or not? Why or why not? Also, what about the high hip height vs. lower shoulder height and significant slope from back to front? Is this a good thing or bad thing? Why or...
  2. C

    Black bull- red babies

    By my math, it would be a .097% chance of getting 10 reds out of ten of these matings. That's .5 to the power of 10 or .5 times itself 10 times. That rounds to .1% (one one-tenth of 1%). This means that if 1,000 people tried this experiment of 10 breedings each, statistically only 1 of these...
  3. C

    What to feed heifers

    If possible, keep animals with different nutritional needs in separate areas. Put your heifers in the best pastures on the best forage. Give your heifers the best hay. Don't make them fight with the cows for bunk space.
  4. C

    pig owners

    To relate this to cattle (this is cattletoday): If someone said "I'm a beginner and I would like to try a couple of cows, perhaps start with a young cow and bull, then breed them and sell/eat the babies and I don't have commercial aspirations", I would tell them to select a breed that is...