Recent content by blackgloves

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  1. B

    Real Limis are Red

    :banana: Red Limi's! Very nice heifer there
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    They deal with heat probably better than any other breed. And because of that people love to cross Brahman with other breeds They are very tall. From my experiences they love to jump fences and fight other bulls. They can be hard cattle to work in pens because they're typically mean as fire...
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    Ive bottle fed many calves before and Ill take twins every time if they both survive like these did. and for the comment on the 4 strand fence and shytty neighbors? We have yet to have a single neighboring bull get on our place with our 6 strand fences. We have not had any cattle end up on...
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    You lucky dog. TWINS?? wow. Nice looking trio though not a fan of hereford is that a 4 strand fence? Does your neighbor have cattle too?
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    We Bred a Winner

    :clap: Congrats on the big win! very nice looking steer too
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    More than one Breed !

    What I like using my heart: Red Limousine Charolais Blonde D' Aqutaine What I like using my brain: black Angus black Limousine Brangus I said heart and brain because the market is black. Using my head we have went black on our bull and have started buying more black heifers etc I grew up on...
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    Pics of my cattle

    These are mixed in with other cows/heifers etc that arent mine. I currently have, 2 Charolais heifers, 1 Brangus, 1 black Angus, and 1 Blonde cow that currently has a Brahman bull calf sucking on her. We dont know what he weighed at birth but he had to be pulled. it was her first calf and we...
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    Longhorn breed...WHY?

    HIlls: Agreed with everything you said. The ones that are pure bred and raised on very small ranches to sell as "ornaments" do bring big bucks. They must have desirable hides and horns though or they dont sell very well at all. Ive driven by ranches though that have LHs for large ranches...
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    Farm Pics

    Looks like you have some nice grazing pastures. Wish we had that kinda rain fall/grass
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    Longhorn breed...WHY?

    ^^^ Probably never even seen a LH
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    off to look at more bulls

    $1500 bucks? Id take him
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    Calf pics

    The OP needs to spray or get a cotton hoe and get busy on them weeds :)
  13. B

    Longhorn breed...WHY?

    I see lots of posts here on this website about people owning Longhorns and I'm very curious on why someone would choose this breed. Here in TX, longhorn cattle get ran outta auctions leaving the previous owners pretty light on they're pockets. I have always seen them as a trash breed. Sorry...