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  1. B

    Air under the skin?

    I agree with you, if he is improving on the current regime, then I would continue. I was responding to the comment that the vet said he was probably going to die from the infection. The medications I suggested were "last resort" effort to save the animals life. I agree that every "approved "...
  2. B


    What he means by "broken penis?" Acute angulation of the penis can accidentally happen during coitus due to cow going down under the weight of the bull or, I guess you could say, just bad aim. Sudden angulation can cause an increase in the blood pressure in the penis and cause a hematoma, which...
  3. B

    A Little Cow Humor

    I don't know how many of you guys feel like I do about the junk science, "Global Warming," but I ran across this and it gave me a good laugh. ... mises.html
  4. B

    Air under the skin?

    I think I will check in now and again. My father was a cattle rancher, but that was a loooong time ago. LOL
  5. B

    Air under the skin?

    I wasn't really thinking "food" animal. I guess I was looking at it from my point of view, which was just saving the animals life. Believe me, I am well aware of FDA rules and regulations on drugs. I have a Phd in Pharmaceutical Research and have spent every working day for the last 35 yrs...
  6. B

    Air under the skin?

    I wish you the best with the calf. It is amazing what a little time and attention can do. I have experience with the a vet telling me that my dog was "good as gone, he won't make it through the night." I was not ready to give up; so the next 24 hours I slept on the bathroom floor, monitoring his...
  7. B

    Air under the skin?

    Rochephin is given IM, but the Vancomycin is given through an IV. A Vet can write a script for it as well as an MD, and you can get Rocephin at any pharmacy. Vancomycin, he may have to order or obtain from local hospital pharmacy. If it were my calf, I would also lance the abscess and irrigate...
  8. B

    Air under the skin?

    The vet could try Rochphin or Vancomycin. These are approved for human, but I don't think Vet studies have been completed. After all the antibiotics you have given him, it sounds like he may have an Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus infection at the injection site. Depends on how...