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    Bottle to sale UPDATE from 2022

    This is where I started asking for advice: The cold spring rains and the fresh spring grass provided a steep learning curve, we lost 3 to pneumonia and bloat. My intentions were to eat one...but I couldn't...I even had to look away as they left the farm. I named the first 3 we got Robert...
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    Whole or cracked

    I am an old newbie... What are your "bag filler additives?"
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    Need prayers

    I lost both parents last year, 4 months apart...say everything you want to say. I am grateful for voicemails as simple as my dad saying "Call me, I love you." I have listened to those repeatedly. We know the outcome for each of us, BUT you have a measure of faith and this is not the end of...
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    Steer. They are not scurs and we will sell at market. I can't believe how short they are. I would not have known if I hadn't scratched his I can see the nubs if I look close.
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    I have a 6 month old angus holstein cross that had no bumps 3 months ago and now he has (2) half inch nubs! Is this possible? Can I expect them to continue growing or will they stay short? Sorry if my questions sound ignorant but clearly I am!
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    Beef steers

    What was your daily feed and how much prior to August?
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    Bottle to market

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    Bottle to market

    Thanks for your response. I confess, I read it more than once. I did not know about them looking older at 16 to 18 months. There really is a lot of knowledge shared on this forum and it is a process of sifting through to find what works. I genuinely appreciate the advice. Hope you heal...
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    Bottle to market

    Thank you!
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    Bottle to market

    Thanks for the feedback!
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    Bottle to market

    I have watched the market prices, I honestly don't expect to lose money. Holsteins are bringing decent $ here finished. My husband and I are great grandparents now. It has been great being around calves again. We feel better and trimmed some of our own fat in the process. My concerns were...
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    Bottle to market

    Thanks, I intend to finish what I started. We live in central Ohio...cold winters, but not quite as severe as Minnesota!
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    Bottle to market

    I like your thoughts, but I am already knee deep. I have access to reasonably priced hay. My 4 month olds weigh around 300 lbs and I have on average $390 in them. Any input looking forward?
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    Bottle to market

    I had an empty barn and pasture fields that needed mowed. I hope to make a little money and have the barn and field it has been good exercise...;)